Saturday, September 23, 2006

THE ICE DRAGON contest winners


The names of the winners have been drawn. Which means that both of these lucky people will have a copy of George R. R. Martin's The Ice Dragon delivered right to their mailbox! Many thanks to Tor Books for their support!

The winners are:

Tina Marroum, from Willowdale, Ontario, Canada (loathsome warg on

Christophe Choumert, from Berkeley, California, USA (namo on

Thanks to all the participants!

***A lot of people have been asking me if, after winning a contest, they can participate in a subsequent contest. The answer is yes, of course! If you're fortunate enough to win a few, all the more power to you!***

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Thanks for organizing these contests, Patrick !

    I look forward to reading another book by GRRM.

    A Frenchman in Berkeley
