Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Accepting Questions for a China Miéville Interview

I will be doing a Q&A with Miéville next month to promote his newest release, Un Lun Dun. As always, feel free to submit your questions, either here or on the various message boards where this announcement will be made. The most interesting questions will be selected to comprise the interview.

I will also check with Del Rey Books to see if I could get them to support a China Miéville contest!;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patrick,

    I'd like to ask China:

    The language you use in most of your writing is quite esoteric and many a time I've had to grab a dictionary to confirm that I'm on the right track. Do you find that it causes problems? For example does your editor ever suggest changing a word or two that he/she found too complicated?
    I personally like the challenge and enjoy learning something new, but not all are the same.
    Finally, another question, if I may... Perdido Street Station, some time ago a rumour went around the Web that this novel was being made into a film, is there anything in the pipeline?
    Best wishes,
