Sunday, January 14, 2007

Coming Attractions

Just thought I should give you guys a little update.:-)

Upcoming Reviews

I'm currently reading Hal Duncan's Ink, sequel to Vellum, and it's da bomb! I'm about 150 pages into it and, if the author keeps it up, Ink will establish itself as the book to beat in 2007. For more info about it: Canada, USA, Europe.

After that, the next novel on my list should be Dan Simmons' The Terror (Canada, USA, Europe). Chances are that Katherine Kurtz's Childe Morgan (Canada, USA, Europe) will follow that, or Sean Williams' The Blood Debt (Canada, USA, Europe).

Of course, should Steven Erikson's Reaper's Gale manuscript reach my mailbox before I'm done with Ink, I'm persuaded that most of you will understand that it will come next! For more info about Reaper's Gale: Canada, USA, Europe. Same thing goes for Tad Williams' Shadowplay (Canada, USA, Europe).

Upcoming Interviews

Well, you already know that I have China MiƩville, Peter F. Hamilton and Dan Simmons lined up. You can add Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Name of the Wind (Canada, USA, Europe) to that list.

In addition, I'll try to get another Q&A with Tad Williams, which would -- hopefully -- coincide with the release of Shadowplay. In the same vein, I'd love to get mini-interviews with both Steven Erikson and Ian Cameron Esslemont, to promote their newest releases. I would also like to get an interview with Katherine Kurtz, whom I have always admired.

I always have things cooking up, so there might be more interviews in the near future!;-)

Upcoming Contests

Ha! Now I have your complete attention, right!?!:-)

Since many of you complain that I should spread the word about what will be up for grabs in the coming weeks so they won't pre-order them, this is for you!

Okay, I will have three signed copies of Joe Abercrombie's Before They Are Hanged (Canada, USA, Europe).

Received word from Del Rey this week, and I will have giveaways for both China MiƩville's Un Lun Dun (Canada, USA, Europe) and Hal Duncan's Ink. And although this must be confirmed, I was told that the prizes should be autographed copies! Stay tuned for more info!

I will have a few copies of Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind up for grabs as well, probably around March.

Also, I've already received confirmation concerning giveaways for the UK edition of both C. S. Friedman's Feast of Souls (Canada, USA, Europe) and Tad Williams' Shadowplay. I'm just waiting for word from Daw Books, for I'd like to run one contest for both the UK and US editions of each book.

Finally, PS Publishing confirmed that they would supply a copy of Steven Erikson's new novella, The Lees of Laughter's End, for a forthcoming giveaway. To all you Malazan fans, have no fears! I will have both Esslemont's Night of Knives (Europe) and Erikson's Reaper's Gale up for grabs.

There's likely more, but I can't really recall at the moment. So stay tuned for more details. . .;-)


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Holy crap, a lot of good books in those contests! Great work ^_~ I'm really looking forward to learn more about RG, I hope it lives up to the expectations. Will stay tuned fo' sure!

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Count me in and keep us updated!

  3. I love all these contests, utter Genius. I'm also looking forward to you're review of Ink, as its not something i'm totally 100% over .. as yet!
