Monday, February 19, 2007

The Hal Duncan contest winner!

Hi there!

The name of our winner has been drawn. The lucky bastard will received a signed copy of Hal Duncan's Ink. Many thanks to Del Rey Books for their generosity.

The winner is:

- Simon Hedley, from Thousand Oaks, California, USA (Callindril on

Thanks to all the participants!:-)

Stay tuned for an upcoming interview with Hal Duncan. . .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Excellent! - thanks for putting this together Pat - I'm really stoked by this - I am currently about halfway through Vellum for the first time, and I am greatly enjoying it so far - although I think a reread would reveal a few things I've missed, as it's difficult to keep up with everything. However, it'll be great to go into "Ink" straight after.

    I found your site through the wotmania other fantasy message board, and I usually read it when you post a review or interview. Like you, I'm a big Guy Gavriel Kay fan, but so far I've only read the Fionavar Tapestry and A Song For Arbonne. What would you recommend next out of his work?

    Once again, thanks for organising the contest - it's the first one I've entered, and I never usually win anything, so when it's something that I quite wanted, then it makes it extra special.

