Friday, March 09, 2007

Patrick Rothfuss' website

Hi guys!

Well, if you want to read an excerpt of The Name of the Wind, a novel many consider could be this year's best fantasy debut, check out Rothfuss' website:

Also, I promised Betsy Wollheim I'd set the record straight concerning the length of this book. Contrary to what was gleaned from the ARC, the "finished" novel will not be 904 pages long. Indeed, it will weigh in at 662 pages. A mere bagatelle compared to many fantasy works on the market, as Betsy put it!;-)

I still have those five signed copies up for grabs. Just scroll down for all the details. . .


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Grrreat!!! Wow! And there's a "Pat's Blog" section on the website as well! Blimey-you made an impression! All the best.

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Oh crap! That was silly of me...the Pat's Blog section has nothing to do with you at all! The author's name is Patrick! tsk tsk! Sorry =/
