Thursday, March 29, 2007

Steven Erikson's REAPER'S GALE (Addendum)

Hi there,

I just got word from Erikson's publicist and I wanted to clarify something. There will not be a Reaper's Gale limited edition per se. The "regular" version is the trade paperback, and the "limited edition" is the hardcover format, of which they print a much smaller quantity.

Hence, the prizes will be distributed as follows:

1st prize: A copy of the hardcover edition of Reaper's Gale

2nd prize: Five copies of the trade paperback edition of Reaper's Gale

Sorry about that little misunderstanding. . .

What!?! You haven't pre-ordered Reaper's Gale yet!!! What are you waiting for!?! Check it out here: Canada, USA, Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Oh, but I have just pre-ordered it from Amazon UK, all because of your review, I couldn't wait for it to come out in the U.S.
    Plus it's coming with Richard Morgan's Black Man (not fantasy, but Richard is now in the process of writing a fantasy novel).
    Question: How many authors cross genres of Sci-fi to fantasy?
