Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This feels like a dream come true. . .

Hi guys,

Well, some of you have known about this for a while, yet I wanted to wait till things had settled down before making an announcement. I know that many people who read this blog are aspiring writers, so hopefully this will encourage them to persevere and not let go of their dreams.

Though the contract has not been signed yet, it seems that my 7-year wait is at an end. To all ends and purposes, it appears that I will soon be represented by the prestigious literary agency Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Inc, in New York City. Yes, the same agency that handles Dan Brown, among many other successful authors worldwide. And since they accept about 2 percent of the material they receive every year, I feel privileged, to say the least!

Matt Bialer has been showing interest in my fantasy manuscript, The Eye of the Serpent, since January. He totally blew my mind when he told me he wanted to represent it! His clients include Tad Williams, Tracy Hickman, Patrick Rothfuss, W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear, as well as many others. Matt has been selling fantasy/scifi manuscripts for more than two decades, so it doesn't get much better than this! He has already asked me about potential publishers and editors I'd like to work with, and I must admit that it all feels surreal at the moment! Even better, he has passed along my sample material from Time of your Life to one of his colleagues.

The journey is far from over, that goes without saying. Yet I am one step closer to my objective of one day being published, and right now it's all that matters!:-)

Best of luck with your own writing endeavors!


  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Wow, that's incredibly awesome--I wish you the best as you get closer to publication!

  2. I'll give you an "unsigned" congratulations for now, Pat.

  3. Pat:

    Hey, awesome news! Just wanted to say congrats and much love & respect...

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    that's great, Pat. congrats

  5. Congrats, Pat! Way to stick the course and thanks for sharing. Like you really wouldn't have!

  6. Awesome news! Good luck with the rest of the process!

  7. Congrats and at the same time...you turd. How dare you steal my contract! lol j/k. That's awesome news man. I wanna be a first reviewer pretty pretty please :D.

    Such good news indeed.

  8. Hey Man, I have been following your sweet blog for a while now and just wanted to wish ya the best of luck with the manuscript.

  9. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Congratulations, Pat ! Will the blogger make an interview with the author ? ;-)))

    This may be a little early for the book, but please make sure you have a gorgeous cover for The Eye of the Serpent !

    Gorgeous covers are half the fun in fantasy ! ;-)))

  10. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Grats Pat!

    Much deserved. Can't wait to get a copy of it :)

  11. Well done Pat, that is great news!
    Wonderful feeling eh?
    Best wishes,

  12. That's great, Pat! I'd love to hear a synopsis of your book.


  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Great news! Congrats!

  14. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Congratulations, Pat. I hope to see your work on a shelf in my local store some day soon.

  15. Congrats on the good news. I hope things keep progressing in a positive direction - my understanding is that you still have a long haul ahead of you, but this is certainly a crucial milestone.

  16. Congratulations! Great news and good luck with it. I hope to join you in the inner circle someday!

  17. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Congrats! One step closer! :)

  18. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Wow! That's fantastic news! It'll be strange reading a book written by the person who's reccomended most of my fave fantasy series!!
    I'm also an aspiring author, I've had a few short stories published; so yes, this does encourage me!!
    Put a few (about 100!) signed copies up, will ya???!! =P

  19. Many thanks to all the kind words and the encouragements! I really appreciate it!:-)

    I'm afraid I'm superstitious about this sort of thing, so there won't be a synopsis or excerpts for now, for fear of jinxing it. Once all the details are taken care of, then you'll hear more about the whole thing!

    Matt just emailed me and we're going to talk over the phone Friday morning. There is a couple of issues he wishes to discuss with me, and there will be a few changes that will need to be done before he starts shopping the manuscript around.

    It felt kind of weird when he asked me about my preferences concerning publishers and editors. He told me that the door is very much open at one publisher, so we'll have to wait and see.

    I guess I'll know more about everything after talking to him. I can't quite believe this is FINALLY happening!

    I'll keep you guys posted, have no fear!;-)

  20. Way to go Pat, that's fantastic!!

  21. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Congrats! I hope you get published!

  22. Anonymous5:35 AM

    wow fantastic news Pat. Hope it works out :D
