Saturday, April 21, 2007

100th Review: Breakaway

Holy crap, this is my 100th book review!;-)

Who would have thought that this blog would still exist and be so popular after more than 2 years!?! Not me, that's a given! Somehow, that which was supposed to be a simple experiment that was meant to die a slow death turned out to reach proportions that continue to baffle me. Heck, the blog has passed the 250, 000th page view plateau earlier this week.

So I owe you guys many thanks for keeping things interesting enough for me to stick around!:-) Here's to another 100 SFF/speculative fiction book reviews!

Joel Shepherd's scifi debut, Crossover (Canada, USA, Europe), took me by complete surprise last fall. To say that I wasn't expecting to enjoy the novel to such a degree would be quite an understatement. Crossover ended up in my Top 10 of 2006, so I had high hopes for its sequel, Breakaway.

Realizing that you should never mess with a good thing, Shepherd builds on what he established in his debut. Once again, the story unfolds on the world of Callay, in the futuristic and verdant capital of Tanusha. The conflict between the progressive League and the conservative Federation serves once more as the political backdrop for this novel. Yet the events depicted in Crossover have generated chaos on a frightening scale, and Callay appears to be moving toward a vote that could lead to its breaking away from the Federation. As terrorist groups and religious fundamentalists resort of deadly violence to influence various political factions, confusion reigns supreme.

As was the case with its predecessor, Breakaway is a character-driven book. Not all Tanushans are happy to have Cassandra Kresnov, a highly advanced experimental android, on their side. Our unlikely heroine finds herself thrust into the Tanushan underground when she becomes involved with the enigmatic Ari Ruben. Adding to her worries, a delegation from the League arrives on the planet and Cassandra is concerned about their true motives.

Shepherd deserves kudos for the manner with which he continues to portray her moral awakening. The supporting cast is also a lot stronger in this sequel, promising a lot of things to come in the last volume of the trilogy.

At times a political thriller and at times an action-packed scifi yarn, Breakaway makes for a very satisfying read. My sole complaint would have to do with the relative lack of closure at the end. Okay, so sue me for not wanting to wait to see what happens next!

The Pyr logo continues to be associated with quality reads.

The final verdict: 7.5/10

For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe