Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Additional review sites/blogs

Every week I receive emails from people inquiring about trustworthy book review sites and blogs. As crazy as it sounds, I still find it extremely shocking when they tell me that they consider this blog as one of the most reliable SFF book review venues out there.

I'm always at a loss, not knowing exactly what I should be telling them. My response is more or less the same every time. I tell them to check out my links and visit the blogs of interest I have there. I also suggest that they should become members or simply lurk on message boards such as wotmania.com and asoiaf.westeros.org, where knowledgeable and well-read online communities make it easy to "discover" new authors/novels/series.

Truth to tell, I've been steering by those stars for years now, and it permitted me to discover authors such as R. Scott Bakker, Hal Duncan, Steven Erikson, Naomi Novik, Brandon Sanderson, and many more.

So what about you guys? Are there any websites/blogs that you visit assiduously for fantasy/science fiction/speculative fiction book reviews? If so, feel free to post about it in the comment section. Perhaps, between all of us, we can come up with an extensive list of quality review venues.

Go ahead: Pimp thy favorite site!;-)


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM


  2. The website is down right now, but The Science Fiction Book Club's blog is a good resource. It links to a lot of reviews and gives current news and info regarding our genre's authors. And...it's a link paradise. Sort of like what Jay Tomio does on his link postings, but only with greater frequency.


  3. Nevermind...I should actually take a closer look at your links. I'll second SF Signal instead.

    If you're looking for short fiction, I love Subterranean Online Magazine

  4. http://www.sfrevu.com/


  5. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Pat's Fantasy Hotlist > All

    Even though Pat's Fantasy Hotlist sounds like it could be a porno blog! lol

  6. It is hard to go past sfsite.com or sfsignal.

    Also, http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/ and sfcrowsnest.com

  7. SFFWORLD Forums - a great place to find good books to read

  8. Well, I could plug my own blog here, but that would probably be a little tacky on my part ;) Anyways, I personally like what Andrew is doing over at the SFBC Blog, I check out Locus on a regular basis, and I respect what Jay is doing with Fantasybookspot / Heliotrope / Bhodhisattva as well as other blogs like The Neth Space, Wertzone and Sandstorm. I guess the Hotlist is pretty cool too ;)

  9. Sci-fi signal is a good one. I learned early on that most sites don't bother with real reviews. They pretty much give everything a thumbs-up so they can continue to get their advanced review copies. I reviewed a couple of books that were sent to me and included a few criticisms (though I thought they were pretty light) and never heard back from the publisher. Sites that gush about every book they read will get tons of books from the publishers, more honest sites-- not so much.

  10. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I enjoy reading the reviews at www.inchoatus.com.

  11. I have gone through your site its good and excellent,and i found many interesting things to read,gathered information
    so here i am linking you relevant site to get more details,


  12. Anonymous6:11 AM

    www.phantastik-couch.de is one of my favourites. Despite the .de the site reviews books in English, too. All interviews are published in English and German, so that users from outside Germany can get informations about German authors as well.


  13. Anonymous8:37 AM


  14. Well, I could pimp my own site: http://scifichick.com

    But personally, I visit these review sites:

  15. While I visit several of those already mentioned, I most visit Pat's Hotlist and www.sfreader.com. SFReader not only has reviews (which just happen to include some of my own), but also a terrific forum where I've met many of today's speculative fic short story authors, editors, small press publishers and dozens of writers.

    SFReader is a great forum, check it out!

  16. I do reviews on my site: http://wisb.blogspot.com/
    But I'm just one person with a full time job and school so I don't read quite as much as all those big sites with 3 or 4 people...but I do my best to get in a book every week, sometimes older books, sometimes new, sometimes in the middle. I've got a whole slue of new ones coming up though since I'm reading all the nominees of the Philip K. Dick, Andre Norton, and Nebula awards lol.

  17. Hmm...I don't really care for SFReader.com's reviews - he seems to have very different opinions on books, even though we ultimately agree fairly often. I guess, I just don't feel that his opinion is one I can trust or value, but then that sort of thing is inevidable.

  18. whoops, I was thinking of SFReviews.net - I don't really have an opinion for SFReader

  19. Neth

    SFReader webmaster here...

    I typically don't write the reviews for SFReader (although I have contributed some). The reviews are written by volunteers, the deal being: you volunteer for the book, I send it, you review it, you get to keep the book.

    There are a variety of different tastes represented on SFReader; I'm sure you could find a reviewer you would agree with the majority of the time.

  20. dave - see the comment immediately above yours - I was thinking of a different website.

  21. First off, let me be yet another person plugging their own blog!

    You can find it at http://www.aidanmoher.com/blog

    The sites I frequent the most for reviews (besides Pat's Fantasy Hot List, of course) are Sfsite.com and Sffworld.com.

    Mostly, though, I know of several forum goers from various forums whose opinions I trust and I always wait eagerly to see what they have to say!

  22. Anonymous8:30 AM


  23. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I'd like to recommend a new site:


    (a sister site to rpg.net)

    They have a forum, book index and (still empty) review section).

    "Xenagia is a brand-new genre web site, specializing in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. "

  24. Far be it from me to not plug myself. ;)

    Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine has recently started doing reviews on its website, in-between issues.

    All inquiries to review@gudmagazine.com :)
