Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Win a book a month for a year from Orbit!

Most Europeans readers are well acquainted with Orbit, probably the most popular SFF imprint in the UK. The good news is that Orbit is crossing the pond and will be launching here in North America next fall. Part of the Hachette Book Group USA, the first American editions of Orbit titles will see the light in September. One of the main titles part of this inaugural launching will be Brian Ruckley's Winterbirth, which made my Top 10 of 2006. Pretty nifty cover, by the way!;-)

To promote the coming of this new imprint in the USA, the folks at Orbit came up with a very cool contest. One lucky winner will receive a book a month for an entire year! For more information, check out

The contest is open to US residents only, and all you need to do is fill out this form.

As the date of the official launching approaches, I'll have more news for you. Needless to say, I'll be working in collaboration with Alex and the rest of the Orbit crew to help them spread the word about new authors and titles. So expect to hear more about this new fantasy and science fiction publisher!:-)


  1. Not open to Canadians? This sucks. Is Orbit "North America" not planning on selling their books in Canada????????

    Since you're Canadian also I don't think you should have bothered to post this.

  2. Hey ed,
    Orbit books will be on sale in Canada, but this sweepstakes is only available to US readers because of some complications we had with international sweepstakes rules. We're hopeful that we'll be able to work through these issues before our next one.

  3. A book a month for a whole year is too good a prize not to pimp it! Even if Canucks are excluded from the draw!;-)

    But I'm persuaded that future giveaways will be open to Canadians. After all, we're such nice people!:-)
