Friday, June 01, 2007

Ask your favorite author

This is a new feature I've been meaning to try out since the Holidays, but sadly the Bar got in the way. . .

Now that I'm a known figure in SFF circles and that I've acquired quite a few contacts and connections on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, I wanted to find a way so that each and everyone of you could benefit from that. Okay, so we have the giveaways and exclusive interviews, yada yada yada, yet I was looking for a way to make things here a little more interactive.

So here's the idea -- mind you, this could go down the crapper real fast and we may have to let it die a slow death. But if it catches on, it could prove to be an interesting way for fans and readers to interact with their favorite authors. The idea is quite simple: You leave a question for a scifi/fantasy/speculative fiction author you like (or not!) in the comment section, with your first name and where you're from. After a week or two, I'll select a few questions for which there appears to be genuine interest (you can second someone else's suggestion), and then send them out, either directly to the writer or to his or her publicist.

Understandably, some will be more inclined to participate than others, but that's the way love goes!;-) Let's just say that the big dogs like Jordan, Martin, King and company might be harder -- or impossible -- to reach. And yet, we won't know until we make the attempt, right!?!

So think about some questions and let's see what we'll come up with. My only rule is this: Please refrain from asking questions which would get us a RAFO (read and find out) answer. In any case, those will not even be considered. Other than that, let inspiration guide you!:-)

If this works out, it would be nice to have the chance to do this one or twice a month. . .


  1. Pat,

    Please ask R. Scott Bakker about the status of Neuropath.
    I got to hear him read an excerpt last year and thought it sounded great, but he's been offline since then and there's been no news about it.

  2. I second that. It's been a while we've not heard of Bakker. I wouldn't mind hearing about his Aspect Emperor either.

  3. Guys, I have an upcoming full-length interview with Scott. If all goes well, it should go live later this month.

    As a matter of course, I asked him both about Neuropath and The Great Ordeal.:-)

  4. You could ask "any author" (Stephen Donaldson would be ok lol or Ann McCaffrey of "pern") if he fashioned any characters after anyone he knows?

  5. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Joe/Great One

    Hey Pat, i'd love to know if R.A. Salvatore would ever consider returning to the Star Wars: Expanded Universe realm. He's the kind of guy the new novels are missing!

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    If it's possible for you to reach Gene Wolfe, I would be extremely interested to know if he has an estimation for when the next Latro novel will appear? Sorry if the question is rather trite, but after reading Soldier of Sidon I'm yearning for the next one. :)

  7. I've been reading and re-reading the first two volumes of Melanie Rawn's Ruins of Ambrai series, and I'm just dying to know how it all comes out. I'm patient though! My question is about where she got the inspiration for the series, as the world she has created is amazingly intricate, and her attention to detail is astounding. Thanks Pat!!
