Sunday, June 17, 2007

Locus Awards Winners

You can find the entire list of winners here.

As always, I expect that many will not agree with the selection, but that's the way love goes!;-)


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Actually, these are not "selections" as in "selected by a jury", but this is a voted award and anyone who wants CAN vote for it. Unlike e.g. the Hugos. You don't have to be a subscriber of Locus to do so. I voted in the awards and I am happy with the results, although I voted for Lynch in the best first novel category. I can understand why Novik won, though. I read her book as well and liked it well enough.


  2. It looks like a pretty good list to me. In particular, I'm very pleased with Kushner's win in the best fantasy category. Terrific novel.

    I would have preferred Lynch to Novik, but Novik's first book is really very good, so I can't fault it one bit.

  3. I have no problem with Naomi Novik winning the award. I loved her books, and I'm eager to read EMPIRE OF IVORY.

    Yet I'm aware that not everyone feels the way I do. . .

  4. Anonymous4:20 AM

    So you've got some plans to have a go at a few books in the list?? That's good! Phew.
    I don't remember you reviewing Kushner's novel and I'm surprised I haven't heard of it even in the UK. Will pick it up :D
    Cheers, Chris.
