Sunday, June 10, 2007

Two new Patrick Rothfuss interviews

Hi guys!

With the halfway point of 2007 just around the corner, it does appear that Patrick Rothfuss' The Name of the Wind will hold on to its title of "Fantasy debut of the year." We never know, but it sure looks like it. . . For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.

If you're looking for something good to read during your summer vacations, you should definitely check out The Name of the Wind. The UK edition will be published by Gollancz in September. . .

To learn more about Rothfuss, you can visit

Anyway, there are two new and interesting interviews with the author. You can read them here and here.



  1. Hey Pat,

    Thanks for the link to my interview with Pat! He's a wickedly clever guy and quickly took over the reigns of the interview!

    I too will be surprised if The Name of the Wind is surpassed by another fantasy debut. The only one to come close (and darn close, I might add) is David Anthony Durham's Acacia.

    Thanks again~

    A Dribble of Ink

  2. I sooo loved this book. I did a review of it on my blog and basically just gushed about it (and no-- I don't gush about everything). I can't wait for the next intallment.

  3. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Haha! These interviews are great! A wicked wit-AND an author not afraid to read within his own genre! A breath of fresh air...
    Must get it when it comes out in the UK. Would've ordered it through but...oh! Why haven't I?! I shall do so now. :)

  4. Thanks for linking my interview as well, Pat :D And I'll just ditto what aidan says on all accounts, including the Durham. I'm still waiting for your review of it to see what you made of it, though ;)

  5. Rothfuss is still broke and eating Ramen for dinner? How depressing.
