The Hotlist's Readership

Although I've been doing this for nealy two decades, I'm always astonished by how far-reaching this little blog of mine has been and continues to be. Having time to kill, I perused my stats for the last 12 months to see where most of my traffic was coming from. Early on, understandably it was mostly from English-speaking and Western European countries. And yet, I had readers from all over the globe and stopped counting when I reached 60 countries or so.

While the USA will most probably always be my highest source of traffic, I was surprised by the fact that a big chunk of it now comes from Asia.

1- USA
2- Singapore
3- Hong Kong
4- Taiwan
5- Germany
6- Canada
7- United Kingdom
8- France
9- Russia
10- China
11- Ireland
12- Finland
13- Israel
14- Sweden
15- Poland

Looking at these numbers and thinking back, I can't help but shake my head when I recall editors and publicists refusing to send me review copies because I was just a Canadian blogger!

If I go back to 2011, when Google began tracking these stats, there are a few differences, but nothing major. The USA is still number 1, followed by Canada, the UK, Germany, and Singapore. Then comes France, Russia, Australia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Closing the Top 15 are the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Sweden, Ireland, and Ukraine.

I wish we could go all the way back to 2005, when the Hotlist was created, just to see how similar/different the numbers would be.

Map illustration by bilui.

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