Get Kay Kenyon's BRIGHT OF THE SKY for free!

For a limited time only, Kindle-user can get Kay Kenyon's excellent opening chapter in The Entire and the Rose series, Bright of the Sky (Canada, USA, Europe, AbeBooks), for free.

For my money, this is one of the very best recent science fiction series on the market and I encourage everyone to give it a shot. You won't be disappointed!

Subsequent volumes include A World Too Near (Canada, USA, Europe, AbeBooks), City Without End (Canada, USA, Europe, AbeBooks), and Prince of Storms (Canada, USA, Europe, AbeBooks).

Hurry up before it's too late! ;-)

7 commentaires:

Parao said...

Is it too late? Maybe... I cannot find it for free. Sincerly, I cannot find it in kindle version (USA -

Did I go wrong in something?

Anonymous said...

esThat's not a bad offer I guess, but it's just the opening chapter and I think you can read those for free on Kindles anyway!

Casey said...

Anon: It's not the opening chapter of the book, it's the opening chapter of the series...the entire first book. I had to double-take with the way Pat worded it too. :P

Baptiste said...

The real problem is that the two first volumes of the quartet just aren't available in kindle edition....
And imo it kind of sucks to have one part of a serie in a paper format and the rest in an electronic one.
It's a pity because I mean to give this author a shot and I would have been happy to buy the whole quartet on my kindle.

bloggeratf said...

I know you are a big fan of this series Pat, but I just couldn't get into it. Just too winding for my linear mind I guess.

Lou Anders said...

Not sure what people are saying here. The entire four book series is available now in hardcover, trade paperback, and on Kindle. The Kindle version of Bright of the Sky (book one) is the entire book, available for free. But all four books are available in all three of the formats above.

Baptiste said...

Thanks to Lou Anders' reply I finally understood what went wrong for me (and others here it seems).
The two first volumes of the series do not appear in the kindle store if your kindle happens to be registered in Europe (France for me).
Switching the kindle location to the united states will make the books appear.
It is kind of annoying that with the kindle's location set to Europe one cannot even see that the book i available...