China Miéville chats about THE CITY & THE CITY

Can't wait for Miéville's new novel?

Follow this link to a video interview with the author. China Miéville gives an overview of the book and its setting. It's rather brief ( a little over 3 minutes), but it gives you a taste of what The City & The City is all about. . .

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5 commentaires:

The Mad Hatter said...

Pat, Have you read other Mieville books? I just wonder how it stacks up in comparison.

Anonymous said...

interesting video (liked the theme music). Don't know that the book si for me but it sounds quite good.

ediFanoB said...

That was mouth watering. The City & The City is defintiely a book for me.

I read Un Lun Dun by China Miéville and really enjoyed it.
Beside this the New Crobuzon series and King Rat are on my shelf - unfortunately unread.

Adam Whitehead said...

IMO, THE CITY AND THE CITY stacks up well compared to his previous books, but won't set the genre afire like PERDIDO STREET STATION did. It's closer in style and format to his short stories in LOOKING FOR JAKE than any of his novels, I think.

TheDude said...

I've loved every single Mieville book, even Iron Council which some people on the internet thought was his weakest book.

His biggest selling point to me is definitely his amazing imagination and worldbuilding skills.

Great video. His voice doesn't sound at all like I imagined :-)