Pre-order Steven Erikson's TOLL THE HOUNDS at 40% off!

Toll the Hounds will be Erikson's first veritable hardback release, with the trade paperback edition coming out next fall. Some fans have been grumbling about that, what with the hardcover edition being more expensive.

Well, I've been keeping an eye on all three Amazon sites, and you can now pre-order Toll the Hounds for up to 40% off. That should make it easier on everyone's wallet and bank account! Check it out: Canada, USA, Europe.

As for the mass market release of Ian Cameron Esslemont's Return of the Crimson Guard, so far has the best deal at 37% off. Check it out: Canada, USA, Europe. Pete from PS Publishing should be sending me the ARCs of the special edition in the next couple of days. Can't wait to read both Malazan offerings!;-)

11 commentaires:

Anonymous said...

How'd you arrive at those numbers? All I see is a "Sign up for when this item becomes available" on the USA version.

Patrick said...

Ah fuck, I put a link for the UK edition. . .

Anonymous said...

This is a bit out of place-sorry, but I read on the website of Gail Z. Martin that your blog was listed on the upcoming events as she apparently hope to work with you as well as others.
Will you talk about her Chronicles of the Necromancer series?
I've just finished book 2 the Blood King and I loved it.
I'm eager to know what you thought about it. ;)

Anonymous said...

I thought ICE said in an interview that Crimson Guard was going to be a thick, bulky SE rivalling tome, but Amazon only says 304 pages?

Anonymous said...

D'ya have to post all three links next to each other like that? That only serves to piss me off at how much Canadians get ripped off when it comes to books. I mean, it's not like Erikson writing the book in freakin' Canada or anything! Yet after doing the conversions, the book is 50%-65% more in Canada than the UK or USA.

Patrick said...

Nadine: Not that I'm aware of. . .

I did an interview with Martin last year, and I did have giveaways for both her books, but nothing else is planned at the moment.

Anonymous: At 250,000 words, RotCG should be around 700 or 800 pages long.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that should keep me busy for a couple weeks!

With price protection on pre-orders you really can't go wrong ordering it as soon as it's in the store, but Jeff I think y'all get a better deal than ordering from ....

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for ROTCG, announce the winners soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, Pat.

I'll try to see if I can find that interview.

Maybe you'd like to have a peak here (that's where I saw your blog listed):


Ed S. said...

For the Erikson book (hardcover) there are two editions available in Canada, a Bantam UK edition and a TOR US edition. Amazon Canada is carrying both of these which is a bit confusing. The British Bantam edition is substantially more expensive for whatever reasons.

Pat's link for Canada is somewhat flawed because he has linked to the Bantam UK edition from Amazon Canada, for $30.56. However if you do a search on Amazon Canada for ISBN 0765310082 you will find the TOR US edition available for only C$ 19.50 which is very close to the Amazon US price of US$ 18.45.

Unfortunately although the US edition is cheaper, it's not being released until September. The UK edition is being released in July but won't be available in Canada until Sept presumably because of transportation time. If you really want this book in July you will have to order direct from the UK.

For the Esslemont book there is no native US edition. Everyone is carrying the Bantam UK edition ($$$).

Jebus said...

For people wanting the UK version of Toll the Hounds, rather than go to Amazon and pre-order, you might want to go to and order it once it is printed (don't think they do pre-orders). I'm in Australia and I order from them all the time - they are FAR cheaper than Amazon UK and mostly cheaper than Amazon US in most cases due to free worldwide shipping, and they are seriously quick.

I ordered 8 books last Friday and they have started arriving today, the following Wednesday morning. They are all also individually wrapped and sent so no book delays any other, they get sent out as soon as they are packed.