With the travesty that were the recent Dune novels, will you buy Herbert and Anderson's PAUL OF DUNE next month?
481 votes were cast:
- Yes: Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's books are a worthy addition to the Dune canon. (17 votes, 3%)
- Yes: What can I say? I just can't help it. (24 votes, 4%)
- No: I'll probably get it from the library, or perhaps wait for the paperback edition. (35 votes, 7%)
- No: Herbert and Anderson are milking this franchise for all it's worth, and Frank Herbert must be turning in his grave. (288 votes, 59%)
- No: I've never been a Dune fan. (117 votes, 24%)
Well, I guess we won't need the Supreme Court to interpret this one. . .
Our new survey asks readers what they think of http://www.suvudu.com/, Random House's new SFF blog. We'll repeat the exercise with http://www.tor.com/ in the coming weeks.
6 commentaires:
With a question starting with "With the travesty..." you're kind of suggesting the answer for those who are not up to date with the situation...
Everyone knows there are vocal internet groups that always swarm over online polls so there is no way this was a broad based or fair poll.
Pat and the other jealous readers will just have to sit and pout as Franks legacy is continued despite their selfish whining about too many books for their little brains to read.
The wording was very biased and as most people are fairly weak minded and easily malleable that opening statement completely invalidates any pretense of it being a fair poll.
Are you implying that the SFF online community is comprised mainly of dumbasses who can't think for themselves???
Ah shit...
That Pat fellow is a crafty fucker. By phrasing the question like that he brainwashed me in a way that I couldn't help but choose one of the negative answers.
And now I know what Bakker meant when he said that free will is but an illusion.
But I only have a little brain to begin with...
The result is unsurprising. A lot of Dune fans were hanging in there due to the promise that the 'Dune 7' duology would be based on Herbert's 'detailed notes', and gritting their teeth through six increasingly terrible books so they could get to the good stuff to answer the cliffhanger they'd been left dangling on for 21 years.
And then Anderson and Herbert Jnr. admitted they made up the villains out of thin air. Which means they pretty much made up the whole thing. Which means they misled people and profited from it (I'll be generous and assume it wasn't preplanned, more like incompetence). And people are very pissed off by that, which is absolutely no surprise.
So if Herbert's outline for Dune 7 didn't even say who 'The Great Enemy' was, what actually did it include?
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