About halfway through, and I'm a bit disappointed that Brown follows the exact same recipe he used in both Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code. Still, the man knows how to keep you turning those pages!
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5 commentaires:
I'm getting tired of Dan Brown by now. I don't know why some authors hit it so big and others don't, there are many better books than the Davinci Code out there that aren't nearly as popular IMO
Well, seeing as how Dan Brown has never been a writer, I can see where his sentiment is coming from...
Yeah, by the end it fell short for me on alot of levels, and became my least fave of the Langdon books. Sad really...considering how long it took to come out.
Also, I was abhorred at how he never bothered to make the Templar links to the freemasons he made in his other books. Boo!
Haven't read it, don't plan to, but I kinda feel for the guy. If I was an author and saw my novel shoot to fame like the Code did, I'd definitely feel paralyzed for a while, worried about writing the next one. I'm not surprised to hear he opted to stick with the formula he knows and trusts.
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