No, I'm not slow on the uptake! But some of us are decent people with jobs, so I just found out about this! =)
Yes, George R. R. Martin's A Dance With Dragons (Canada, USA, Europe) now has an official release date: July 12th 2011!
GRRM made the announcement earlier this morning on Not A Blog.
According to Martin, A Dance With Dragons is a monster of a book similar to A Storm of Swords. I reckon nobody will complain about that!
Hell yeah!!!
Yes, George R. R. Martin's A Dance With Dragons (Canada, USA, Europe) now has an official release date: July 12th 2011!
GRRM made the announcement earlier this morning on Not A Blog.
According to Martin, A Dance With Dragons is a monster of a book similar to A Storm of Swords. I reckon nobody will complain about that!
Hell yeah!!!
19 commentaires:
Sweet. Anyone know what the deal is with the different U.S. covers. There is the white one which is shown and there is the orange one. Is it just going to be random which one you get when you pre-order?
seeing is believing. Reputation of meeting deadlines is rather well estabilshed for GRRM...
Preordering doesn't hurt ....but raising hopes of this actually happening does...on the other hand he does sound sincere this time !
It's not done yet. What bullsh*t. Not gonna happen.
i am feeling skeptical. yet hoping to be proven a cynic.
Man, my aching wallet. rothfuss, erikson, esselmont, and now martin.
add in video games and i'm freaking destitute.
This time I believe. Never announced an actual deadline before.
There've been hints for months now that the book was almost done. I for one think this is the real deal.
Yes, that's a great news. I think thist time deadline will be met, but what about next parts? 2017? 2020?
The white cover is for the US and the cover with the sword is for UK. The two green ones were thought of but were rejected.
Not sure what's going on with the silver and orange covers. They may be variants (like the Rothfuss tree/Fabio covers) or the orange must just be for the ebook and the silver for the hardcover or viceversa.
It's worth noting that all 4 prior books are being rereleased with new covers later this month (well, the British covers, slightly tweaked and some of them swapped around), and this new cover design fits in with that.
July 13, 2011 - the whining begins for Book Six. - Ian
Good news, but he really needs to take a page out of Steven Eriksons book.
Seriously I can see this series ending up in a Jordan like situation.
I can't beleive it's 6 years since the last book.
I will buy it, when the next book after A Dance With Dragons comes out.
Amazon has Dance listed at 45% off!!!
Seriously... I can't freakin' wait. I am currently rereading all the books. I believe it's for real, too. There's also a sneak peak on Amazon UK's site and boy... it's GOOD!
I am sure the series has got GRRM into a serious groove! I know if it was me, I would be! I love that man!
At this point, I struggle to care. I loved the series to date, but it's been so long and there are so many other good books to read that I'm not willing to waste time reading the whole series again now, and whenever he publishes book 6, and 7, etc. Assuming he lives long enough to finish, I'll enjoy them all then. I won't be holding my breath though. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
i was going to respond, but then read the others, and they all wrote what i was going to.
so i left it behind.
my question now is what goes on after adwd ?
how many books are planner ?
i seem to remember that there were 7 planned.
btw, i also suggested here several months ago that i have a suspicion that the book will be released along with the tv series, and that in fact it is already finished.
i might just be right.
OR you might not.
Pretty sure April != July.
april is not july ?
wow tnx, good to know.
however i did not say on the same day.
i meant at the same time.
so if the 5th book took so so so long to write, and it comes out just a few months after the series does .... hmmm ?
and of course if it comes out roughly at the time the series ends ..... hmmmm
i'm not saying that martin planned this from the start, but i have nagging feeling that the delay grew along with the making of the tv series.
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