Quote of the Day

People in Europe or the United States often ask blithely, where are the Muslims and Arabs speaking out against extremism and terrorism? It is deeply troubling to expect that all Muslims should apologize or take responsibility for a minuscule fraction of those who share their faith. Furthermore, the question ignores the devastating sacrifices of those who have been fighting intolerance and its violent manifestations within their own countries long before anyone in the West even thought to pose the question. Far too many progressive minds in the wider Middle East have been left to fend for themselves for decades, as they and their countries were bludgeoned to death by forces of darkness, forces, such as Zia in Pakistan, that most often served Western interests. The largest number of victims of jihadist violence are Muslims themselves within their own countries.

In focusing mostly on the actions of Iran and Saudi Arabia and the multitude of local players, I did not intend to absolve America for the many mistakes it has made and the deadly policies it has often pursued. From invasions to coups and support for dictators, America’s actions have fed and aggravated local dynamics. President Trump’s decision in May 2018 to withdraw from the multilateral nuclear agreement with Iran, and the additional sanctions he imposed on the country, dramatically raised tensions in the region, almost bringing it to war. But Saudi Arabia and Iran have agency; they make decisions based on their interests and drive the dynamics, too. This endless self-reinforcing loop of enmity cannot easily be broken.


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Just finished Ghattas's book and it's an awesome read!

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