Stephen Hunt contest winners!

Our five winners will receive a set of Stephen Hunt's The Court of the Air (Canada, USA, Europe) and The Kingdom Beyond the Waves (Canada, USA, Europe), compliments of the folks at Voyager.

The winners are:

- Per Morten Barstad, from Oslo, Norway (Gothmog on

- Koen Hartsuiker, from Boxtel, Netherlands

- Linda Dannenberg, from Angermuende, Germany

- Vasil Toskov, from Tzaratzovo, Bulgaria

- Torun Bergström, from Jönköping, Sweden

Thanks to all the participants!

7 commentaires:

grellian said...

Oh, great! Thanks, Pat!
Should I expect an email or something?

Keep up with the good work! :)

Unknown said...

Happy days and jubilation!

Thanks Pat.

Gonna enjoy reading them :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! Thank you, Pat, I really didn't expect this.

Keep up with your excellent work!

Anonymous said...

This was a surprise. Thanks a lot.

Unknown said...

Yay, I won :)
Thank you, Pat, I'm looking forward to reading them.

Anonymous said...


(amphibian over at malazanempire)

Unknown said...

The books arrived yesterday, lovely hardcovers even. Thanks again Pat & Voyager.