Technical Difficulties

Some sort of virus appears to be eating the inside of my hard drive, which, as a matter of course, is screwing up my entire computer. My anti-virus program cannot detect it, so things appear to be headed for the crapper. Which means that, depending on the sort of trouble I'll have to put up with in the coming days, things might not run as they usually do for a while. . .

At times, I can't even access my email, or remain online more than a minute or two. I couldn't notify the winners of the Wintersmith contest by email, so hopefully they'll be checking out the blog. Otherwise, they're in for a big surprise when the book reaches them in a couple of days!;-)

What good is an anti-virus program if things like this can happen??? And it appears that the virus has deactivated my anti-virus application, so that I can't even check for updates. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have to wipe out the entire hard drive. . .

2 commentaires:

Ed S. said...

My brother had the problem once where a virus disabled his anti-vir program and was generating a flood of virus laced emails to people in his address book. I thought it hilarious, he was less amused.

Anyway, re-boot your computer into "safe mode" by hitting the F8 key as Windows boots up and then try manually having your antivirus program do an update and a complete scan of your hard disks. You might have to hold the F8 ket down or tap it repeatedly on boot to get into safe mode. In safe mode without drivers loaded the virus should not be active allowing you to hopefully find and remove it.

Most of the major anti-vir companys also have free online scans on their site where they will scan your computer directly and let you know what they find. I would do this is safe mode as well. The Norton sit is at : then under "Top Links" click on "Free Scan For Viruses".

Patrick said...

I was finally able to reactivate my anti-virus program and then get an update. Ran a scan of all drives, but the program still can't find the virus. Still, things appear to run smoothly for the time being. . .

Hope it will last!