Guess what showed up in the mail today!?! Yes, my own Advance Reading Copy of Speculative Horizons! After working on this anthology for nearly two years, it was great to finally hold the book in my hands!
By a bizarre twist of fate, UPS also dropped a package containing the signature sheets for the limited edition. So I have 200+ sheets to sign before passing them on to L. E. Modesitt, jr.
Subterranean Press will donate 10% of the cover price for each copy sold (both the trade and the limited editions) till May 21st to the American Cancer Society, so time is of the essence if you wish to support this worthy cause. Check out the Subpress website for more info.
I would be remiss if I didn't use this opportunity to thank everyone who helped spread the word about the Speculative Horizons anthology on their blogs, message boards, websites, Twitter, Facebook, and more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!=)
Quite a few bloggers have been asking me for ARCs for review purposes. I know that ARCs were distributed (the Fantasy Book Critic review confirms this), but I don't know who's on the Subpress mailing list and who's not. The folks at Subpress told me that there are a few left that could go to high traffic SFF blogs and websites, so feel free to get in touch with me if you want to get your hands on one. International bloggers can't get a hard copy due to expensive shipping rates, but we might be able to hook you up with a PDF version of the anthology. Again, get in touch with me for more information. . .
Remember, you have till Friday night to help make a difference. And you're getting a cool speculative fiction anthology to boot! It's a win-win situation!;-) So head on out to the Subterranean Press site to pre-order your copy today!
By a bizarre twist of fate, UPS also dropped a package containing the signature sheets for the limited edition. So I have 200+ sheets to sign before passing them on to L. E. Modesitt, jr.
Subterranean Press will donate 10% of the cover price for each copy sold (both the trade and the limited editions) till May 21st to the American Cancer Society, so time is of the essence if you wish to support this worthy cause. Check out the Subpress website for more info.
I would be remiss if I didn't use this opportunity to thank everyone who helped spread the word about the Speculative Horizons anthology on their blogs, message boards, websites, Twitter, Facebook, and more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!=)
Quite a few bloggers have been asking me for ARCs for review purposes. I know that ARCs were distributed (the Fantasy Book Critic review confirms this), but I don't know who's on the Subpress mailing list and who's not. The folks at Subpress told me that there are a few left that could go to high traffic SFF blogs and websites, so feel free to get in touch with me if you want to get your hands on one. International bloggers can't get a hard copy due to expensive shipping rates, but we might be able to hook you up with a PDF version of the anthology. Again, get in touch with me for more information. . .
Remember, you have till Friday night to help make a difference. And you're getting a cool speculative fiction anthology to boot! It's a win-win situation!;-) So head on out to the Subterranean Press site to pre-order your copy today!
2 commentaires:
Congratulations on the book. Looks incredible.
Congratulations! I ordered a copy.
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