Found this via Scifiwire.com:
It appears that disgruntled fans, upon hearing that the show hadn't been renewed for a third season, have raised about 10,000$ to pay for ads that might help save the TV show Legend of the Seeker.
This ad was purchased in Daily Variety. Another one might appear in The Hollywood Reporter.
It appears that disgruntled fans, upon hearing that the show hadn't been renewed for a third season, have raised about 10,000$ to pay for ads that might help save the TV show Legend of the Seeker.
This ad was purchased in Daily Variety. Another one might appear in The Hollywood Reporter.
11 commentaires:
Such a waste of money.
The only good thing from the series was the discovery of Bridget Regan and Tabrett Bethell which we will most definitely see again.
As far as the story goes, let me just say that the books deserve a Nobel prize compared to the series... :(
The show wasn't horrible, but doesn't deserve this sort of effort to keep it around, IMHO.
I saw this a few days. It's a terrible show, so why people are spending that kind of money to save it is beyond me. Totally derivative. The only cool character in the whole thing is the crazy wizard. The rest are cookie-cutter knockoffs of pretty much every 80s TV/movie fantasy character made.
This is by far the worst show I've ever seen. I couldn't even watch it for more than a few episodes.
Before I comment on the show being canceled I want to say that I am a fan of the SOT series. I enjoyed the world Goodkind created, and I liked the characters too. I found the series much easier to get into when compared to Steven Erikson or R. Scott Bakker fantasy series which I have found to be almost unreadable. I didn't like his endless repetition or page after page of Richard spewing his "John Galt" views, but all-in-all I got into the books and really enjoyed them.
On the other hand the television adaptation simply made me angry. I had to force myself through the first season. In my view they took a decent story and f*ed it up. I have no interest in watching someone else's take or interpretation on the series. The show could have been great if they had kept to the original plot line. I attribute a lot of the show's failure to the fact that they changed the story too much and really just made it unwatchable. It was a bad show and deserved to be canceled.
If you're going to make a show based on a popular book the closer you keep to the original plot line the better the show will be. I'm not say they you have to keep to every part of the story in the adaptation. Clearly some parts have to be edited out due to time and format but if a story works one way why would you change it?
The Sword of Truth television series looks nothing like the books. In fact I feel like it made a mockery of the books, and was an insult to both Goodkind and his fans.
It's not enough to be happy that a network producing a fantasy television series. The series has to be GOOD too, other wise what's the point.
for all the nay sayers :
yes, it's a terrible show, i knew this halfway through the first episode.
but i didn't blame goodkind, i blamed sam reimi, who imo, is the worst hollywood film maker ever, everything he does is terrible and lame and just plain stupid.
that aside, i remind you that g.r.r.martin is actively involved in the making of the show based on soiaf.
do you realy think it could be made into a tv series that will be very close to the books ?
do you think it won't be compressed and greatly toned down (aka moderated) ?
you think the legend of the seeker was bad ?
well the books themselves were average.
now think of the great soiaf being turned into legend of the seeker, it will be much much worse.
and g.r.r.martin will no doubt coincide the next book with the coming of the tv series, like i don;t see it from a mile away.
Yeah, why not have a pointless GRRM comparison here, just out of pure randomness? What does it matter that he's been writing screenplays before most of us were even born, or that it's HBO that's doing the series and they simply don't have a weak show? It's all about the hate.
As for the ON-topic, I am honestly disgusted by this. I mean, when shows like Firefly and Kings got killed mercilessly, and Dollhouse had to rush-squeeze four seasons in one, just so it would have some sort of completion, it's pure travesty to raise so much money for a half-cooked slush like LotS...
Ha! Silly fans.
It was an atrociously awful show even if it did keep a bunch of Aussies and NZers in gainful employment.
Go watch Spartacus - Blood and Sand you reprobates, at least it knows how insanely funny and over the top it is and revels in it.
A fool and his money...
Incredibly hot chicks, in fact two of the very hottest, in tight clothes, why would they not want to renew it, Hell ! it was not that bad of a show, I mean , what else have we got to watch in this genre, am i missing something else that all the rest of you are watching, or are you all so stuck up with what you would like to see, that you will pass up everything that is at least here to see ? get real and stop bitching...
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