THE.... Sodomite Hal Duncan

A particularly stupid dumbass sent the following email to author Hal Duncan:

True or False....

2 males placing their penis up each others rear ends, know that their penis is covered in dung. Then place their penis in each others mouths with their dunged penis to ejaculate..!

Proves the 2 males prefer the smell and taste of dung..!!

THE....Sodomite Hal Duncan is a DEFINITE dung lover..!!

p.s. please post this, so thers may comment

((((( shanks-lot )))))

You can read Duncan's response here.

If you read last year's interview with the author, you may have an inkling of the tone of Duncan's reply. Yep, it's a good one!;-)

15 commentaires:

Anonymous said...

Many times in the last year I have considered picking up Duncan's books at the local Barnes and Noble. After reading his reply to this idiot, I'm glad I didn't.

Ugh. I guess some people might think it's funny or fitting. A little too foul for my taste. I won't be financially supporting this author in any way.

Anonymous said...

Whereas I normally wouldn't recommended replying to such idoicy, Duncan's response was extremely well written and makes its point well. It was no more vulgar than the initial letter and infinitely more poetic.

I will be supporting this author by picking up his first novel.

JT said...

If Duncan's novels are half as well-written as that reply, I eagerly look forward to reading them soon. Thanks for posting this.

Ed S. said...

Frankly I wish you hadn't posted this. You're simply giving "Barry" the attention that he craves. Ditto for Duncan responding to this nonsense. I thought him smarter than that. It's like when you get an obscene phone call. Just hang up. Don't start arguing with the person on the other end. It's what they want. No matter how good Duncan's reply, in responding to the bait he's been outwitted by Barry. End of the first inning: Barry 1, Duncan 0.

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't get hate mail every other minute of the day? Responding is stupid, and this post has made me dumber for reading it.


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed coming to this site over the years but I've noticed it's been increasingly vulgar over the past few months. Pat has every right to take the site in this direction and I wish him good luck, but I will no longer be visiting.

Simeon said...

Some strange replies in this post. The "anonymous" ones all seem written by the same person...

Any road, I liked Dunkan's reply. And it's true that Barry didn't deserve the attention, but I guess such mails are not that common for Hal and perhaps he was simply bored...

Anonymous said...

Apparently Duncan saw "Barry"'s mail as a good opportunity to make an "out and proud" statement. That's why he posted such a long replyon his blog, despite the idiocy of the initial message.

Anonymous1:"I won't be financially supporting this author in any way."

Anonymous2:"I will be supporting this author by picking up his first novel."

Roland:"The "anonymous" ones all seem written by the same person..."

Anonymous said...

Count me in the "not a fan" camp. I read about a third of the response post and was impressed with the playful ingenuity... but then it just went on, and on, and the point had already been made earlier and better.

Excessive. And I agree: doesn't he know better than to feed the trolls? Even feeding them dynamite encourages them.

Unknown said...

As GRRM has been known to say,

Don't feed the trolls.

Anonymous said...

Hal's response is so long and repetitive that it became unreadable. There wasn't enough bang for the investment of time and energy.

That being said, anyone who attacks an author (or another human being) on such idiotic grounds and in such boorish manner deserves to be ridiculed.

I think this was more a show of Pat's stance against malignant morons than a turn for the darker.

Anonymous said...

The emailer is a moron, but Duncan's response is just as bad. How old is he? By the response, I'd guess Duncan was a teenager with access to a thesaurus, dictionary, and encyclopedia.

Anonymous said...

Gee... THE.... Hal Duncan took 2 hours replying a 2 minute email from "Berry". Sucha wall of text. Did Berry touch a nerve? The author should have only posted the first third of the text. If at all.

I hope there aren't minors reading that post, which is, indeed, gay porn.

Aaron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aaron said...

Seems to me that in responding to this person's comments, the author is stooping to the same level as this 'Barry'. I for one do not care what anyone does in his/her own bedroom, but please, did he really need to post that reply on his site? Seems a bit childish to me. It will probably alienate and offend many of his readers, hetero/homosexual alike. Gross is gross. I never cared for his work at any rate.