Anyone knows what's going on with

The website dedicated to Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen has been down for a few days now, and it looks like it's a hosting problem. Anyone knows what's going on?

In other news, guess who's going to pen the flap copy of the Subterranean Press limited edition of Erikson's Gardens of the Moon!?! Yep, Yours Truly!

So if the gorgeous art by Michael Komarck wasn't enough, now you'll have a 200-250-word story blurb from me to look forward to! If that doesn't make you want to fork out over a 100$ for that collector's item, what will!?!:p

For more info, check out

10 commentaires:

Chris, The Book Swede said...

Wow! Nice one! :) Unusual, though, surely?

Anonymous said...

damn, I was hoping you would know. that's a daily for me, and now I don't have a clue what's going on....awesome about the book, now I look even more forward to receiving it. whenever that will be? hopefully soon. speaking of that, when is their A feast for crows edition going to be released? I've been waiting for that for almost two years.

Anonymous said...

Hey PAt, this was posted on the malazan wiki

- The malazan empire forum is down due to server issues. Hopefully this will be resolved within the next few days. Please be patient. Thank you.
The mods

Anonymous said...

We overloaded the server?

ErrantBard said...

Temp-forum is up here:

RobB said...

Pat, congrats, that is awesome!

Patrick said...

Yep, it is cool!

But trying to summarize such a novel in 200-250 words is a bit harder than I thought it would be.

I'm waiting to see what Bill thought of my latest version...

jouni miettunen said...

Facebook group has this explanation, the normal sad story: ISP server cannot handle the load, account suspended.



Jorro said...

It's up again.. of sorts.

Jebus said...

Well I've just bought my copy so you'd better not stuff it up! :-P