Well, the results have been tallied, and it looks like Brandon Sanderson has a vote of confidence from a good chunk of the WoT fans out there. I find that extremely surprizing for, though I like Sanderson and consider him one of the bright new voices in the genre, I feel that his style and the scope of his works are a world away from Jordan's. And hence, I wonder if he can pull this off. We'll have to wait and see. . . The question was:
Given the divergence in their styles and the scope of their respective series, and given the fact that Jordan only wrote about 50,000 words before passing away, do you believe that Brandon Sanderson can make A MEMORY OF LIGHT as good as it should be?
715 votes were cast:
- Yes: I think that Jordan and Sanderson's styles will mesh rather well, and I'm confident that by following RJ's own notes and with Harriet's supervision Sanderson will pull this off. (283 votes, 39%)
- Maybe: I don't believe it will be anywhere near as good as if Jordan had written it, but I'm willing to give Sanderson the benefit of the doubt. I just want to know how it all ends... (228 votes, 31%)
- No: I smell another Dune debacle in the making. (41 votes, 5%)
- I've given up on The Wheel of Time ages ago and couldn't care less... (163 votes, 22%)
24 commentaires:
Your poll has a flaw: the assumption that people who have no intention to read either book are doing so because they're YA/children's books.
Alex makes an excellent point.
Another flaw is the assumption that anyone who hasn't read the Host yet has no intention of doing so without also reading Brisingr.
My vote is not on the poll. I don't intend to read either, but I do occasionally read YA books.
Another flaw is that The Host isn't YA or children's; it's an adult novel....
I have to agree with the first two comments. My disappointment with Paolini's first two offerings and my refusal to read another of his, as well as my not reading The Host, have nothing to do with their being YA books
The same here, I don't plan on reading either, but it has nothing to do with the books being YA (or not being YA either), I just couldn't care less for either author.
Given the way people have been voting so far, I doubt the YA bit is a flaw per se.
You forgot to include the option "I never got around to reading Stephenie Meyer, but I fully intend to read Brisingr, mostly because my morbid curiosity won't let me ignore this literary train wreck. Also, because I am a masochist."
THE HOST is actually adult SF, despite Meyer's fame with her YA series.
There are only so many options I can include, so I guess that all my polls are somewhat flawed when you put them under the microscope.
As for THE HOST, although it's marketed as an "adult" novel, from what I hear it remains pretty much YA. Haven't read it, so I can't comment on that claim, but that's the feeling I get from message board discussions...
I am sorry Pat, but I also cannot vote, because i don't like the options.
I think Eragon is crappy and have no intention of reading it.
The other author i dont know, so i might read it.
Pat, you put a lot of value judgments on your Poll options. It's actually prevented me from voting in the past too. A simple "No Way" would have sufficed for a Poll option but you included the "I don't read YA." It adds nothing to the choice.
If people want to say why they vote No Way, they can use the comments. That's what it is for, is it not? :) Then they are allowed to vote AND voice their reasoning.
I would vote: No Way.
My Comment: I don't like Stephenie Meyer's style. I won't read Brisingr because I've seen no growth from a writing standpoint in Paolini's past to warrant me read it. I couldn't get past page 30 of Eldest. But I read tons of YA -- just about to start Laurie Brooks's Selkie Girl, as a matter of fact.
When you say these books "should be the two bestselling SFF titles of 2008," do you mean they deserve to be bestsellers because you consider them quality literature, or because of the preexisting fan bases and massive print runs, these books are likely to be assive bestsellers?
Sorry. I'm just a bit confused, is all.
Cardinal Marx: I have no doubt Pat means the latter and not the former. I won't presume to put words in his mouth for him, but like many of us we've been following Pat's reading habits for a number of years now and probably can point at what he means in this case. :)
Paolini and Meyer fall into that category of readership that is "massive." Just like Rowling before them, these two writers have enormous readerships and that means enormous sales.
Even if George Martin put out his next book, these two writers would dwarf his book's sales by at least a million copies in the US alone in the first week. Meyer, for instance, sold 1.3 million copies in the first 24 hours of her newest book's release. Martin would be lucky to sell 50,000 copies in the first week.
The power of a younger readership. Scary, isn't it?
Shawn--Yeah, I kinda figured that, but who knows? Pat could have his secret guilty pleasures. I thought I had a right to be worried :)
Cardinal: Oh man! You almost made me spit out my wine! haha
In all sincerest sincerity, I think Pat's guilty pleasures center around some beautiful women he met while running all over Europe. And I have to say, I approve!
Pat is a flawed man so it only stands to reason that his polls should be so drastically flawed as well.
Don't worry Pat, the ladies think it's cute.
(I really wish people would stop complaining about the way Pat runs the site and his reviews - he's not perfect and this blog is his own creation with his own flair, so who gives a flying fuck?)
Cardinal Marx: I meant sales, of course. It's scary that Meyer is still in the NYT top 10, though the book has been out for a few months. Paolini will likely be moving as many or more books.
And yes, like everyone I have my guilty pleasures. Unfortunately, Meyer and Paolini don't figure among them!:p
What can I say!?! I'm a flawed man...
Of course, one might note that a certain J.K. Rowling has a book coming out in December that might outstrip these two in sales, making for yet another reason for one not to vote here ;)
My option is also missing. I intend to read The Host even though I'm not reading Brisingr even if I'm paid.
Actually, that's a bit of a lie... I'll read Brisingr cause I have to translate it... BUT NOT BY CHOICE!
Larry: I always forget about that book because, in my mind at least, it's not a real book. haha But you are right: That book will probably outsell all this year.
Pat, it's so easy to cheat in these polls.
(new ip - new vote etc.)
Yeah, cause it's so dreadfully important and LOADS of people are gonna do it...
Anonymous: I would like to think that people who stop by have more important things to do than log in using multiple ip addresses so they can vote more than a single time...
Hey, so, you can read an actual Brisingr Review at the link provided. I think you'll find it more enlightening.
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