Well, I just heard back from Anne Groell, Lynch's US editor, and you can forget about the summer 2009 publication date. Scott Lynch has yet to turn in the final manuscript, so it's impossible to schedule the novel until the ms is turned in.
Fall 2009 remains a possibility, but it looks as though the third installment in The Gentleman Bastard sequence will not see the light until 2010. . .
Bummer. . .
20 commentaires:
Poor guy, only 2 books out and he's already going to be thrown under the hype-bus and left bleeding in the middle of the road if he doesn't deliver big time.
Clearly what we need now is for someone to set up a blog called "Finish the book, Scott".
I'm sad to hear we prob. won't see the book this year..Lynch said on his blog he's dealing with some personal issues..Hopefully nothing too serious
I just say without complain: ONE MORE
Fortunately I still have a pile of unread books......
What the hell ever happened to the novellas? Those were announced at the same time TLOLL was being published!
I feel almost certain that the sequel series won't happen and I'm beginning to wonder if he even has the material to turn out the seven that he was planning for this first series. I'm sure it's difficult to maintain that level of writing, though. So I don't know what to think.
Another one bites the dust. Rothfuss, Lynch, Martin...
It seems the only authors that can keep a schedule these days is Bakker and Erikson.
And morgan. forgot about morgan. Jeez.
Late books are nothing new. How long have we waited on Melanie Rawn and her last Exile title? Ricardo Pinto? AC Crispin? Tad Williams? Dan Brown? Where is Philip Pullman's BOOK OF DUST? Remember when Octavia Butler wrote and then scrapped PARABLE OF THE TALENTS? How about those other authors who waited decades to write a sequel? Asimov released SECOND FOUNDATION 31 years later. CJ Cherryh's REGENESIS follows up on 1988's CYTEEN. Which authors are we genuinely waiting for that next title from, who don't write in series? Can we cover them for awhile? On the more amusing side, some of these novel releases almost feel like "real time" publication. Maybe we should assume nothing is going on while the story isn't accessible...
Bloody hell! There must be a conspiracy!!!
Actually, if I remember correctly Morgan's Black Man was a year late. Didn't bother me though because I booked it at the original cheap price and by the time it came out the price had noticeably gone up for everyone else :)
This sucks but looking on the bright side this gives us all a chance to discover new authors
Huh, you youngsters! When I was a wee lad, we didn't have no Internet! The only people knowing "supposed to" dates was publishers. We had to trot to the (little old) bookstore in person every week and just HOPE. And when we did git a new book, whenever that was and however long it took, we was just plain GRATEFUL I tell ya. Y'all are sufferin' from rootin' out of too much inside info and expectin it all ta be made of concrete. Kids these days! Turn off yer Internet and go read somethin', why don't ya? Now ware's my dentures?
I really like Lynch's work so I hope that he's just trying to "get it right".
I'll slap my money down whenever it comes out...in the meantime there's plenty of good stuff out there to read.
Cecrow is right - only in recent years have delays in publishing schedules become more obvious to the average reader. I remember waiting for the first book of the Mallorean to come out when I was a kid and I just had to go visit the book store every week.
Such is life eh?
Glad to hear he's taking his time with this one. I thought Red Seas was kind of weak compared to his first book.
Bummer, but at least we know now. I'd rather they straight up tell us "it's not coming out until next year" than let us sit here wondering.
All I am hoping for is that he's not headed for some kind of personal burnout where he doesn't give a sh*t about writing anymore. That would suck big time for him and for us. Definitely for us...
Barry Hughart, and Daniel Keys Moran are two of the 80's era writers I can think of that were headed for really stellar careers when something went wrong and they just said "F---it". Damn it man, I don't want that to happen with Lynch...
I'm literally in the last 100 pages of RED SEAS, and although I don't think it's as good as LOCKE LAMORA, big f*ckin deal! LOCKE was a gargantuan ass kicking 12,000 pound gorilla of a novel, and a first novel at that. Hell its even a Fantasy novel... and I don't read that crap, I read Space Opera, Al Reynolds, Iain Banks, etc. The only Fantasy I'll read is Tim Powers stuff, or re-reads of Blaylock and Hughart.
But lately, there's been a ton of excellent talent that has fallen into the Fantasy writers gene pool and I'm loving it. Joe Abercrombie, Alan Campbell, and Scott Lynch (dammit).
Here's hoping that the Crooked Warden can pull the strings to right this ship and help 'ol Scott finish up REPUBLIC OF THIEVES!!!
Not sure where you're at Scott, or what's happening in your world, but I'm gods-damned pulling for you brother! Books or not, thanks for what you've written so far and take care of business as you need to... we'll be waiting for you on the other side!
Scott once told me that if he didn't write, he would go insane. I've literally seen him spend 10 hours straight at the word processor and at the end of that time have close to 10,00 words. The man's a machine !
When last we talked, close to 2 years ago, his original MS was 1300 pages! His publisher told him to cut it down to 700 or so. He had to re-edit it and he was not happy. So I think when we DO see it, it'll be worth the wait.
Shame I loved Lies of Locke Lamora, prolly one of my all time favs. I can't wait till this one comes out, wonder what will make it first this or the wise man's fear.
He really needs to update his website it still says book 2 coming out this summer ...
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