This from telegraph.co.uk:
Earlier this year, supermodel and host of TV show America's Next Top Model , Tyra Banks, published the first in a series of books entitled Modelland , which has stormed in at number two on the New York Times bestseller list.
In an interview with NY Daily News , Tyra said the books are: "a work of fiction that honours my love of books and fantasy, and also lets me poke fun at things I've seen in the real world… many of the characters will be inspired by some of the models I've known, both nice and 'ice'."
This should make every struggling and/or midlist SFF author happy. . . :/
20 commentaires:
if you look closely you can see the outline of a nipple.
just saying, this shit book has (can't have) nothing else worth mentioning.
Why the hate? There are plenty of crappy books out there by famous people. There are plenty of crappy books out there by non-famous people.
From the blurb it appears she read Scott Westerfield's "Pretties," then read "The Hunger Games" then decided to write her own book....an awful, terrible bastardization of the two.
to be fair with a few exceptions the best selling sci fi and especially fantasy series are almost always crap or inappropriate for anyone with a maturity level above puberty - the terrys come to mind
I'm looking outside for the meteor that is inevitably screaming towards earth, that she somehow finagled her book into the #2 spot on NYT (Children's chapter book) Bestseller list (I'm convinced through uncouth means) must signal the end of days yes?
I mean what the hell?! This stupid cow comes up with a lame ass story, based on modelling about vapid girls attempting to become even more vapid (What an example they are setting, seriously they make Bella Swan look like Mother effing Teresa!) to feel they belong and it makes it to #2?!
Hey guess what, this means that the NYT Bestseller list now officially means eff all to me.
God, this world is run by corporations and as long as you can drop the proper amount of money you can BUY wahtever you want. Way to BUY your way onto that list Tyra! Congrats one becoming an even BIGGER waste of time than you had been so far.
"This should make every struggling and/or midlist SFF author happy. . . :/"
Words cannot express how thrilled this makes me Pat. If you really want to be amazed Coco, Ice-T's squeeze, has a fiction novel out too.
I'm really happy to choose better books.
"bestseller" never equals "good read".
This is not an emotional reaction. In fact it's the obviousness that this book can't have much quality, that it is just hyped and pushed AND that Tyra Banks is the author.
If she would not be the author but let's say Noname Prettygirl the book would not even sell 1000 copies. I would even grant Noname Prettygirl that achievement. But not Tyra Banks, a millionaire, sitting on her pretty back, doing nothing really important and being showered with money.
Jealous? Envious? No. Because I see no real effort in writing such a book. There are so many factors that make crap seem better than it is. And against that we want to raise our voice. And speak up for the better books/authors we know. Easy as that.
It is nice that she tried to write a book. She would have me hooked by surprise if it would have been something with the quality of Ursula K. Le Guin. Maybe even not in her métier, not in the "Modelland".
But she is not capable of that - as sure as I also never become a good writer.
Models read books too, Yo!
And evidently so do wannabe models... market officially tapped.
Next up fantasy rap! hmmm... that could work!
I'm out, word to yo' mutha!
Honestly, why the surprise? This is basically the same stuff that makes celebrity endorsements in general work. Only now she is endorsing her own product. Basically every teen girl that spent time watching "'s Next Top Model during the last decade is going to buy this just because it's been written by Tyra and it's related to their favorite TV show. It's not like people actually read the blurb on the back and thought, "Wow, this is some good stuff, I think I'll buy it!".
And why haven´t you reviewed this yet? The most fierce happening in the SFF world this century! I mean, "Thigh-High Boot Camp"... What are you waiting for? Put on your biggest fierce smize and get going damn it!
She does have nice tits though.
I've mentioned it before when Pat first brought this to our attention. She had to create her own publishing brand just to get this thing into print. How good could it possibly be? First she a first time author, likely without the backing of a real editor/copy editor. I think for sh1ts and giggles Pat, you should read and review the book. Give it a serious rating and a serious chance. Then one way or the other we can be satisfied with the result. ;)
While I have been given little reason to think this book possesses any redeeming qualities the borderline racism and outright sexism in the comments helps illustrate why the genre remains mired in mockery.
borderline racism? mired in mockery? here we go, someone trying to act educated when they have absolutely no clue what they're talking about.
its crappy book and the model :P
Fantasy Bestiarium Klucz do fantastyki
"borderline racism? mired in mockery? here we go, someone trying to act educated when they have absolutely no clue what they're talking about."
Yeah, pretty much. "You don't look like me and as far as I know don't share the same subjective tastes so therefore you CAN NOT WRITE BOOKS."
Y'know? I bet it's terrible, but I'm not going to say a damn thing about it until I read and judge for myself. And then it'll just be some bad book I read, not some huge outrageous 3-part-post-worthy travesty.
Uh, you ever see any interviews with her? Shes a terrible, terrible, terrible human being, so I don't really give a fuck if the book is good or not. Also, lets say it was good, its still a book about starving yourself and looking pretty. Great message there.
At least she's hot. Lots of shitty books by crappy authors who aren't so she's got one up on them but on the downside she is completely annoying based on what I have seen of her on TV.
Well, I just hope Heidi Klum isn't inspired for writing her own Modelland in Germany. Kepp fingers crossed that this book never gets an translation and publication outside the US!
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