Since the posts regarding cheap e-book deals have been quite popular, I've decided to gather them all in a single post. There's been a few updates along the way, so feel free to let me know if there are other deals worth mentioning! Again, please no self-published or vanity crap. . .
Sadly, many of these are only available to US residents:
- Inside Straight edited by GRRM for 2.99$ available here.
- Busted Flush edited by GRRMfor 2.99$ available here.
- Suicide Kings edited by GRRM for 2.99$ available here.
- Wild Cards I edited by GRRM for 2.99$ is available here.
- The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett for 0.99$ available here.
- The excellent Bright of the Sky by Kay Kenyon for free available here.
- Sasha by Joel Shepherd for free available here.
- The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks for 2.99$ available here.
- Child of Fire by Harry Connolly for 0.99$ available here.
- Mainspring by Jay Lake for 2.99$ available here.
- The Affinity Bridge by George Mann available for 2.99$ available here.
- Zendegi by Greg Egan for 0.01$ available here.
- Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke for 2.99$ available here.
- The Clockwork Rocket by Greg Egan for 3.99$ available here.
- The first volume in David Chandler's The Ancient Blades trilogy, Den of Thieves, is available for 0.99$ here.
*** Please remember that anything purchased via the Amazon links (used or new) till January 15th will help raise funds for Breast Cancer Research.
8 commentaires:
The Color of Magic says it is not available in the US.
the books i want are not listed for the sale price through the links, and the terry pratchett book says it is not available to us residents.
I'm shocked you didn't point out the $3.99 Goodkind deal.
Hmmm, the Pratchett link worked perfectly when it was originally posted. We'll wait a while to see if it's an Amazon glitch...
Jeff: At that price, you are still getting ripped off! :P
AT THE QUEEN'S COMMAND, by Stackpole is no longer free. Ended a week or two ago, I think.
Boneshaker is 10 bucks. I checked because the first time you posted it I downloaded a chapter, liked it and went back when it was too late. Good first chapter. Probably worth the money, just have other books in the queue atm.
It looks like the Boneshaker deal is over -- when I checked just now, it was going for $9.99
Just noticed that the Kindle edition of Martha Wells' The Cloud Roads is free right now.
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