Calling on all scifi geeks and aficionados!

I took this picture this afternoon. . .

The first person who can tell me which scene from which movie features this panoramic vista, as well as where this photo was taken on our planet, gets a free book!

The comments are time-stamped, so it will be easy to monitor this. When you leave your comment, please select "Name" and enter your name if you don't have a Google account. Otherwise, I won't be able to track you down. . .

The first part of the question is easy. The second part makes for a good trivia question. . .

130 commentaires:

Antigrapist said...

That's where the X&Y-wings departed the rebel base on Yavin 4 to assult the death star. It was filmed in Tikal Guatemala.

BrokenFiction said...

Looks like Yavin IV to me. :) Shot in Tikal, Guatemala.

Anonymous said...

The Movie: Monsters.
The Place: Guatemala.

John Mark Barnes said...

It's from the original Star Wars (Yavin 4, to be exact), where the victory celebration takes place after the Death Star is destroyed. The actual location on planet Earth is Tikal, Guatemala.

Ben De Bono said...

The movie is Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The shot is from Tikal Guatemala

Julien said...

Is it the Yavin IV moon from Star Wars AKA Tikal, Guatemala?

dragonb4 said...

End of Star Wars Ep IV just before the rewards ceremony or thereabouts.

Tikal Guatemala.

Adam T. said...

Yavin, filmed at Tikal, Guatemala.

Am I right?

David said...

It is from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The scene is when the Millennium Falcon arrives at the rebel base on Yavin 4. The real world location is Tikal, Guatemala.

Tom said...

It's the outdoor view of the Rebel Base on Yavin 4 in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Filmed in Tikal, Guatemala!

Aidan Moher said...

Yavin IV in Star Wars: A New Hope. Tikal, Guatemala.

Adam T said...

Crikey, I didn't read your directions closely enough. I believe it's from A New Hope, and was filmed on location at some temple in Tikal, Guatemala.

Henry Lopez said...

HI Pat,

Looks like the seen from Star Wars" A New Hope showing the rebel base on the moon of Yavin.

As for where - it looks like a top view from the temple of Kulkulcan in the ruined Mayan city of Chichen Itza.


Henry Lopez

Adam T said...

... scene is when the Millennium Falcon is landing on the 4th moon of Yavin.

Yikes at triple posting.

Unknown said...

Star Wars IV: A New Hope, the rebel base on Yavin 4. In real life it's the Mayan city of Tikal in Guatemala. (I think)

Doug said...

It's from the Yavin 4 scenes at the rebel base from New Hope, and in real life it's in Tikal, Guatemala.

I'm sure someone else has got it already buttttttttt

Kaz said...

I believe it's the rebel base towards the end of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Which was filmed at the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala.

You really do make your way all over the world Pat.

Craig said...

Its the scene from the rebels hidden base on Yavin IV in Star Wars: A New Hope. The actual ruins are in Tikal in Guatemala.

Jens said...

Looks like Tikal to me (but I could be wrong...).

Guess, that you're thinking about Emmerich's '2012' as the movie in question, right? (Mass suicide scene?)

Kaz said...

Sorry to double post as it were, but I feel a bit dirty about my first. I don't know that I was the first to reply regardless, but if so you may wish to disregard me for the prize.

You see, I didn't actually recognize the picture. I instead quickly snapped off your picture into the Google Goggles app of my phone, which led me to a Mayan calendar with the words El Mirador and Tikal on it. It was a few short Google searches from there with "movie" and "scene" appended before I was directed to A New Hope, and from there it was a short leap to the rebel base scene.

I've of course seen the movie and after the aforementioned help could place the scene, but I'm afraid I was not geek enough to immediately recognize it. So if you feel your free book should go to a more deserving candidate, feel free to pass over me, I will not object in the slightest.

icowdave said...

That's the Rebel base from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Actual location is Tikal in Guatemala.

Pat Hartmann said...

Mayan temples at Tikal in Guatemala. Filmed Star Wars episode 4 (a new hope) the falcon landing at the rebel base on Yavin

afireinside30x said...

Redwood National Park, Crescent City, California, I believe...

The movie was Return of the was the scene where the satellite explodes on Endor.

DrTim said...

Tikal Guatemala, Star Wars: A New Hope's the movie.

DrTim said...

Hard to forget as my bus was hijacked by armed gunmen the very next day. Ah, memories!

Kurt Holtz said...

The movie is Star Wars, a New Hope.

The location is Tikal, Guatemala.

Brandon said...

Yavin 4 from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Tikal, Guatemala.

Gopakumar Sethuraman said...

The first thing to pop into my head was "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" but I'm probably wrong. Geographical guess? Guatemala.

Jeffery Shea said...

Tikal national park, Guatamala. Star wars: A New Hope, rebel base on the jungle moon of Yavin 4

H. said...

This would be Star Wars IV - A New Hope, the exterior shots of the secret base on Yavin. I have heard that those were shot at Ti'kal National Park in Guatemala, but I don't know if that's correct.

Mark Philps said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

Star Wars Episode 4. It's after Leia is rescued and they return to Dantooine (?) to prepare to stage the attack on the Death Star.

Kalon said...

Star wars episode 4, a new hope - it's the scene on Yavin 4 when Luke et al are arriving.

I believe that it's in Guatemala. Tikal or something like that.

Matt said...

Hmm, looks like Crystal Skull to me...

Such a baaaad movie.

Ted Mahsun said...

1) Scenes from the moon outpost on Yavin from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
2) Tikal, Guatemala

Tom said...

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is the movie, and Tikal, Guatemala is the place.

Chase Moore said...

Yavin 4 at the end of Star Wars IV: A New Hope. The real world location is Tikal, Guatemala

Joost Brouwer said...

Starwars - Yavin 4 Tikal National Park

dicecipher said...

Isnt that supposed to be Yavin IV. the Massassi Outpost? And in real life Tikal, Guatemala?

Sean Meichle said...

Star Wars: A New Hope
Yavin 4
Filmed in Tikal, Guatemala

Marty Spinner said...

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
The lost Mayan city of Lubaantun, formerly British Honduras, now Belize.

Unknown said...

Tikal, A new hope the yavin base.

Crstn said...

Hey Pat!
The movie that features this vista is Star Wars IV: A New Hope, and the photo was taken at Tikal, in Guatemala, an archaeological site of Maya Civilization :)

louisvdmerwe said...

Star Wars episode IV (or as us real people know it, the first one: "A New Hope") - the Yavin 4 Rebel Base scenes (you know, just before they blow the crap out of the Death Star).

Looking east from the top of (Tikal) Temple IV.

Tikal Temple IV is a Mesoamerican pyramid in the ruins of the ancient Maya city of Tikal in modern Guatemala.

Knightfall said...

I'm gonna say "A New Hope." :D

Knightfall said...

Oh, and Tikal for the name of the ruins, but I can't remember in which country they're located.

Péter Király said...

Yavin 4 Rebel Base in Star Wars - Tikal, Guatemala

Unknown said...

Star Wars: A New Hope
Tikal, Guatemala

At least I think:P

Matt Phillips said...

Looks like the base on Yavin IV in Star Wars Episode IV. Wiki tells me it was filmed in Tikal, Guatemala. Hope that is right.

Chris said...
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Steve said...

Hi Pat,
picture from Star Wars IV a new hope,
Filmed at Tikal Guatamala - i think its a Mayan temple.
I hope im right and the first to answer :)

Cliff said...

This is the scene in Star Wars: A New Hope where the X-Wings are taking off from the secret rebel base on Yavin 4.

Filming took place in Tikal, Guatemala.

RaveAir said...

It's moon of Yavin 4, where was the Rebels secret base in the Star Wars IV (New Hope).

And the original scene is the Tikal National Park, Guatemala.

Glassneedles said...

Yavin 4 from Star wars a new hope.

I believe it was at Tikal in Guatemala:)

IanT said...

A Rebel lookout scanning the horizon, the Rebel Base on Yavin in Star Wars (IV), filmed at Tikal in Guatemala. :-)

Stefanie said...

This must be the Tikkal ruins in Guatemala, used in Star Wars IV - A New Hope. Gotcha!

Aliette de Bodard said...

It's Tikal, isn't it? Featured in Star Wars: a New Hope--not sure which scene specifically, but it's the Rebel Base on Yavin, near the end of the movie. I think it's when the Millenium Falcon first arrives on Yavin after escaping from the Death Star?

Mus said...

I'm going to guess its Paso de Ovejas and the film is Apocalypto? said...

It's Yavin$ the rebel base in Star Wars A New Hope and was filmed in Tikal National park in Guatamala

Steve said...

It's Yavin4 the rebel base in Star Wars A New Hope and was filmed in Tikal National park in Guatamala


Jens Wierenberg (Germany) said...

Star Wars - Episode IV - A new Hope

X-Wing/ Y-Wing Fighter-Sqadrons take off to the battle of Yavin.

R.Feeney said...

Tikal, Guatemala

R.Feeney said...
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Marko said...

Hi Pat,

The shot is from Star Wars: A New Hope as the Millennium Falcon approach the rebel base at Yavin 4. The location in question is Tikal in Guatemala.

John Osmond ( said...

Star Wars Ep IV: New Hope - Rebel base on Yavin. Photo taken at Tikal, Guatemala.

Tom Lloyd said...


machinery said...

wasn't this in predator vs.alien ?
not that it matters, i don't realy give a damn.
ahm, ok, just out of interest, which movie is this from ?

Highfish said...

The climactic scene of Roland Emmerich's film "2012".

The Pic was shot on the Yucatan Peninsula, modern-day mexico

Joel Brown said...

Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope, the Yavin IV base

Taken in the Tikal Mayan Ruins near Flores in Guatemala.

So cool! :)

Paweł said...

I'm not sure but it could be Mayan ruins in the Guatemalan forest which were featured in Apocalypto movie.

Josh Turner said...

Tikal National Park in Guatemala. Better known as the rebel base on Yavin 4 in Star Wars a New Hope.

Paweł said...

My second guess is Star Wars IV - A New Hope, the scene in Star Wars hen the Millennium Falcon escaped the Death Star and goes to this forest planet. Guatemala.

Cecrow said...

That's Yavin IV, from Star Wars: A New Hope. In SW it was called the Massassi Ruins. Thank you, Decipher's SW:CCG (r.i.p.). This is the Mayan ruins at Tikal, Guatemala.

Anonymous said...

It is the Yavin scene in A New Hope filmd in TiKal Gautemala!
Doug Landis

Doug Landis said...

Whoops, here is my name!
Tikal, Guatemala, A New Hope, Yavin Scene

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,

Author slams reviewer because she didn't like his book:

Alex said...

(is this contest open internationally?)

This picture was taken in the rainforest of Tikal National Park in Guatemala and was featured in Star Wars: A New Hope.

Unknown said...

Place- Guatemala
Film- The Fountain (2006) {I guess...}
Milind Yadav

Anonymous said...

Place- Guatemala
Film- The Fountain (2006) {I guess...}
Milind Yadav

Schwartz the Younger said...

It was used in Star Wars IV: A New Hope

Located in Tikal National Park, Guatamala

Schwartz the Younger said...

...More specifically I would guess that it was taken from on top of Temple IV.

Shelly Belly said...

Is it from Lord of the rings? Return of the king

Shelly Belly said...

Lord of the rings, return of the king

JamesY said...

I'm unlikley to be first but ....

Film: Star Wars. The rebel base on the fourth moon of Yavin.

Location: Mayan temple at Tikal, Guatemala.

dov said...

Dov, this is from The Massassi Outpost on the fourth moon of Yavin’: Tikal, Guatemala in Star Wars Episode IV (the first film released).

This was filmed in Tikal Naional park which is in the North part of Guatemala.

The scene in the movie is Arrival on Yavin

Kelmar40k said...

Yavin 4?

Mike said...

I believe that is Tikal Guatamala which is seen in Star Wars A New Hope.

Erik said...

"We are approaching the planet Yavin. The Rebel base is on a moon on the far side. We are preparing to orbit the planet."

This is the shot where we see the Falcon land on Yavin. You're standing on Temple IV, overlooking Temples I, II and III!

So: Tikal Temple, Guatamala for SW IV: A New Hope

Anja Schulz said...

That has to be Tikal in Guatemala. It was used as shooting location for the rebel base for Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope.

S.M. Muse said...

Return of the Jedi is the movie

Tikal was the location, a Mayan temple area in South America

Hoodeeny said...

Star Wars - Rebel Base on Yavin 4

Ted Cross said...

Well, how about Apocalypto? Just a guess. It was filmed mainly in 'Catemaco, San Andrés Tuxtla and Paso de Ovejas in the Mexican state of Veracruz.' I'm not sure which of those places (if I'm even on the right track), so if you need a guess, I suppose I'll just take Catemaco.

AllenM said...

Looks like Tikal, used in exterior rebel base scenes in Star Wars Episode 4.

Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Itkovian said...

That would be the rebel base on Yavin IV.

Shot was when the falcon came in, and the starfighters took off to attack the Death Start.

Location is Tikal, Guatemala.

Bloody good shot, that said. :)


Aschneid said...

Pretty sure that's from Star Wars IV: A New Hope. And it's in Guatemala.

Dadawa said...

From Star Wars a New Hope. Rebel base location... Yavin 4?

DirtyEarl said...

Star War Ep IV - rebel base. Had to look up details. 4th moon of yavin.

Real world location is Tikal, Guatemala.

Great picture, looks just like the scene from the movie.

Jim Wheeler said...

Star Wars episode IV and Tikal, Guatemala

Jamie said...

Hey Pat!

The answer is
Star Wars IV and Tikal, Guatemala.

Jim Urban said...

Yavin IV from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Filmed in Tikal, Guatemala.

Adam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
srkuo said...

Yavin IV from Star Wars: A New Hope. Real life location is Tikal, Guatemala.

David Seager said...

Return of the Jedi, and I am guessing it was taken in South America

Jonathan said...

This is Yavin IV from Star Wars and the photo is from Tikal National Park in Guatemala.

logankstewart said...

Looks like Star Wars: A New Hope, on Yavin, though there are no spaceships in the sky.

You're in the Tikal Mayan Ruins in Guatemala. And I'm jealous.

Lognar said...

the Rebel Base on Yavin 4 from Star Wars: A New Hope, and the real life location is at Tikal, Guatemala.

Shawn said...

Hi Pat!

That would be the scene from A New Hope where the Falcon lands on Yavin 4.

In the real world, this it Tikal in Guatemala.

Ricardo Ferreira said...

Star Wars: A New Hope, It's the rebel base on the jungle moon of Yavin 4.

Also, it's Tikal, in Guatemala!

Nikki said...

The moon of Yavin IV, rebel base camp. Star Wars episode IV. Tikal Guatemala.

My husband knows everything. :-)

Looks like fun!

Thufer said...

Star Wars IV A New Hope


Ben said...

Star Wars. And the ruins are in Tikal, Guatemala

Gaijin said...

Yavin 4 Star Wars
Mayan ruins of Tikal

Bob Lock said...

Tikal and Star Wars 1V A New Hope :)

Matt Bethke said...

This is Yavin 4 and was seen in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope as the launch point for the attack on the Death Star. It was filmed in Tikal, Guatemala.

Bloody Savage said...

That looks to me like the rebel stronghold on Alderaan (?) when the Millenium Falcon gets there for the first time in Star Wars Episode 3.

Paul said...

This was in Star Wars: A New Hope and I think it is Tikal in Guatemala.

Kirshy said...

From Star War episode 4: A New hope. The ‘Massassi Outpost on the fourth moon of Yavin', or as we know it Tikal, Guatemala.

Mike said...

Star Wars Ep IV

This is Yavin 4 in the movie, and you're at Tikal in Guatemala.

The scene I believe takes place before the Death Star attack briefing.

Jason Kasner said...

Return of the Jedi - the moon of Endor!!!

Gouldie said...

It's the Milennium Falcon landing on Yavin 4...and it's in Tikal, Guatemala

Jason Kasner said...

the forest moon of Endor - Return of the Jedi!

Jason K. said...

return of the jedi - forest moon of endor, as for the real life location, i'd say somewhere in southeast asia, possibly Thailand

Bruno said...

Hi Pat,

I think this picture show the Tikal Temple in Guatemala.

The movie this come from must be Star wars Episode 4 with Scenes of the Rebel base.


Anthony Gitto said...

This appears to be the Tikal Pyramids in Guatemala. A recent movie filmed there would be Apocalypto.

Anthony Gitto said...
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Patrick said...

Well, most of you got it right! Don't know how many of you actually knew this, or if you guys simply Googled it... ;-)

I had no idea it had been filmed in Tikal, Guatemala. But when you reach the top of Temple IV, there's no mistaking!

So our winner is David, who left a comment at 11:39pm last night. The right scene was the arrival of the Millennium Falcon on Yavin IV, just prior to the attack on the Death Star at the end of Star Wars: A New Hope.

David, please contact me via the giveaway email address. I'll get back to you when I return home from this trip.

And to everyone else, a tour of the Mayan ruins of Tikal is a must! =)

Joel said...

i didn't see this until just now, but i could have answered, as i have been to that exact spot! it was, indeed, awesome.

Anonymous said...

This is the establishing shot of the orgy scene in Blade Runner. In the real world, it's located in the Joshua Tree National Park in southern California.

Matthew MacNish said...

I knew the scene right away, but I had no idea where the location actually was. Cool.