Scott did a reading from Republic of Thieves. it WILL be hitting bookstore shelves this year, possibly in June. He is contracted for 5 books, and if the publishers decide they like him, he will get 2 more books (trust me, they like him). Book 3 is where things start to ramp up, with the series moving towards some type of large war.
I can’t give you any RoT spoilers, because he didn’t. He described RoT as being the “awkward teenage years” of the Gentlemen Bastards. The portion he read involved Locke and Jean, and Sabetha and the Sanza twins,and teaser: there was a bedroom scene. Locke is obviously in love with Sabetha, but hasn’t figured out how to tell her, so he basically lets her beat the crap out him whenever she wants. There was much in the way of awkward teenagedness, beautiful swear words, and giggleworthy moments. Scott even got to use his LOUD voice. Twas truly lovely.
Follow this link to read the full con report.
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