Hey guys,
A lot of Malazan fans have been asking me about my review of Ian Cameron Esslemont's Orb, Sceptre, Throne ( Canada, USA, Europe).
As usual, I was supposed to get an early read. Simon Taylor told me that the book was supposed to reach me in early December. We don't really know what happened, but the package ended up in my mailbox on December 29th. Needless to say, this threw a monkey wrench into our plans.
With the Holidays, work, and the fact that I was flying down to Miami on January 4th, I couldn't get to it. Unfortunately, there will not be an early review of Orb, Sceptre, Throne on the Hotlist prior to the novel's pub date. =(
The book is sitting on my desk, waiting. It will be the first novel I'll read and review when I return from Belize, though.
8 commentaires:
Hello! I am writing from Spain (Europe), where there is a lot of fantasy literature fans.
I like your blog a lot as I discovered it a week ago!
Some of the books that you usually review are not traslated yet here (or they will not be).
If you recommend one specially to be read, please let me know and I will pick it up from amazon.
All the best
No sweat, Pat. You're still the man!!
Does anyone know who this artist is?
Verry dissapointing
Artist is Steve Stone I think. PS Publishing have some great art up for the limited edition too - http://www.pspublishing.co.uk/orb-sceptre-throne-signed-sc-by-ian-cameron-esslemont-1075-p.asp
My guess for the artist would be Steve Stone. He did the last few Erikson books for TOR and it looks like his style.
For some reason, US release date is listed on Amazon as May (on the page that's accepting pre-orders). Did we get the shaft?
My MMPB of Stonewielder has an ad that says Orb Scepter Throne is out now!
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