Here's Amazon's Top 10:
1. The Terror by Dan Simmons
2. Brasyl by Ian McDonald
3. Territory by Emma Bull
4. The Traitor by Michael Cisco
5. Spaceman Blues: A Lovesong by Brian Francis Slattery
6. Shelter by Susan Palwick
7. The Name of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
8. Thirteen (Black Man) by Richard Morgan
9. Tin House: Fantastic Women by Aimee Bender
10. The Coyote Road edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
The link to the full story. . .
I loved The Terror, yet I think that both Brasyl and Black Man deserve to be ranked higher.
7 commentaires:
I'm definitely looking forward to The Terror in paperback. Generally I dismiss Amazon picks, since they're usually esoteric. It usually seems like they choose titles they think will most appeal to readers who don't normally touch the genre.
Strange--I faithfully read your blog, keep up with Locus magazine and other sites, peruse Amazon, B&N quite often--the only books on this list I've even heard of are Black Man/Thirteen, Brasyl, Name of the Wind and The Terror. Of those, I've only read Black Man/13 (I've read both editions), Name of the Wind and tried Brasyl (not my type of thing). So, who came up with this list?? I'd have to put 13 at the top, then Name of the Wind...should I try the others??
500 pages into The Terror and I absolutely love it. Great book.
If I'm not mistaken, Jeff VanderMeer is Amazon's SFF editor.
Yes, it is indeed Jeff Vandermeer. Hence the rather more... literary list than Amazon has come up with in the past.
I suffered through Brasyl. But I loved Bright of the Sky and Name of the Wind.
I picked up The Terror at my library after seeing it here.
Pat, do you know if authors like people to read their books at the local library? Or does it bug them because you are not actually buying the book? I have always wondered about it.
Yes, VanderMeer wrote that list (with one notable exception). You can read his explanations behind the choices and which ones almost made it here.
Needless to say, I found this to be a very strong list, although I don't think I'd put Rothfuss on there. Not that I'm saying he's overrated or anything, but rather because there are other books released this year that I enjoyed more (which you can see in my comments inside of VanderMeer's thread).
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