Washington Redskins 23
New York Giants 16
Detroit Lions 10
This from GRRM's Not A Blog:
I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that we're headed toward a Cowboys - Patriots Superbowl. There's no teams I loathe more. I'll have no one to root for. Is there some way both of them can lose?
Unless the Cowboys choke, it looks as though a grisly death is in store for Patrick St. Denis. I think I'll kill a couple of guys named Romo and Teo along with him.
(Sits down to sharpen his axe).
He he he!;-) Music to my ears. . .
Still, the Giants are hanging in there and they continue to win. So we're not out of the woods yet. . .
But things are definitely looking up!
14 commentaires:
I hate being a Bears fans - the good times only come once about every 20 years or so.
According to Tony Kornheiser, being a sports fan is all about disappointment. Heck, every year 31 teams go home losers!
the packers are going to lose to cowboys in the regular but will destroy them in the playoffs. dont worry, george.
Well Pat, I wouldn't be too happy. He could have your character killed by a Yearded beast ;)
Bah, at least y'all have winning teams... my poor Panthers... *sobs*
Dallas/Fort Worth are going insane right now. But with all things Cowboys, it takes Constant Vigilance!
I am so excited, rigid sentencing structure is impossible right now.
I would think that a Canadian would be able to see that the Cowboys are a near perfect representation of all the worst parts of American culture; arrogant, loud, and image obsessed. Unfortunately it's all to easy to be sucked in by their attractive color scheme and excellent cheerleaders.
Now I'm going to crawl back into my cave too weep softly into my Eagles throe.
Leslie: For the record, I love the cheerleaders of every single team in the NFL!:p
And as a fan of the struggling Eagles, of course you don't have anything good to say about the Cowboys!
It's one of the ironies of sports. When the Eagles were good and the Cowboys struggled I was like "Who cares about the Cowboys." I didn't take anymore satisfaction out of those wins than I would out of any game the Eagles were supposed to win. Now That the Eagles realistically can't compete for the devision I see red at any mention of the Cowboys.
My only hope is to self medicate with beer and Hockey.
T.O. vs Randy Moss in the Superbowl? How sick would that be to know that one of them would definitely be getting a ring? That would be one bummer of a Superbowl. Of course, being an almost-lifelong Atlantan, I don't see any football joy coming our way this year.
Woohoo! I'd love to see Dallas at the Superbowl. I despise the Patriots. Close score between Washington and Dallas. I'm glad I didn't watch this game 'cause it would have given me a severe case of the red ass.
"arrogant, loud, and image obsessed"
Um...Leslie, I think you have Dallas confused with the Patriots. Just take a look at all the media attention Tom Brady is getting. Not to mention the Patriots's cheating skills!
Meljprincess I see the Pats as quietly contemptuous, arrogant, and mean.
The Pats clearly don't care what people think of them. They also don't talk much, the contempt they give off is mostly non-verbal. Brady's media presence is completely performance based. That is to say he has won three Superbowls and is having greatest statistical year in the history of the world.
look out for Greenbay
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