Since I couldn't get through Gregory Frost's Shadowbridge, I can't write a veritable review. Indeed, it wouldn't be fair to do so.
I elected to throw in the towel at page 142 of a scheduled 255. I spent four consecutive lunch breaks giving this title a shot, but to no avail.
The author shows a lot of skills in terms of worldbuilding and as a modern day myth-maker, yet nothing about this book grasped me and sucked me into the tale. It's about as forgettable as anything I've read since I've begun reviewing SFF novels. Absolutely nothing captured my imagination, encouraging me to keep going.
Considering that this is only the second time in three years that I didn't manage to reach the end of a book (barring the few FR titles I started and abandoned shortly thereafter), I will let you draw your own conclusions...
I'm a bit disappointed, because Shadowbridge appeared to be something special. And yet, it was not to be -- at least for me...
6 commentaires:
Sounds like just the book for me then, considering the only other one you didn't finish (that I recall) was Caitlin Sweet's The Silences of Home and I rather enjoyed that one ;)
Guess we just have different tastes on many things, which probably is a good thing for those looking for books to read, no? :D
Funny you should mention this, for I thought about you when I wrote this! Give it a shot and we'll see!;-)
Who was the publisher? I might write for a review copy, now that I have the "free time" (read: I quit my job this week) to do such things like that again :P I know Jay Tomio was very high on this and his and my tastes are similar in many regards, so it's quite possible that I'd enjoy it :D
It's from Del Rey. And like you, it's Jay's post that piqued my curiosity enough to make me want to read it.
I'll send them an email in the next couple of days then, since I'm on Random House's mailing list. And considering the spare time now, I just finished (most were started a day or more ago) 6 books today. I'm running out of books left to read/review!
Wow, I think this is the first negative thing I've heard about this book. La Gringa has been hyping it for months now, and Jay of course, seems to really like it, and all the reviews I've seen so far have been very generous. Myself, I can't wait to read it! Premise sounds kind of like Ms. Valente's "The Orphan's Tales"...
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