Hmm, can't say I'm too thrilled about it. . .
It will be interesting to see what Gollancz will come up with. . .
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20 commentaires:
Soccer mom cover
Wow, I thought of switching to the US editions since I liked their RSURS better than the UK edition but after seeing this, I think I'll stick with Gollancz.
I think it looks great, love the purple, but it would probably be a little better if the girl was just a bit less prominent, maybe sitting instead of standing like Locke was on the first cover. Looks like a generic fantasy book, with the redheaded lass standing defiantly and all that... Still, I like it.
Ooooh, is that Sabetha? But I think I'll stick with Gollancz.
Not sure I really care about what the cover looks like because we actually have a cover, which means we might be closer to having a book.
I'm not knocked out by the cover, but I like that she's holding a mask. I think that says something more than if she were brandishing a rapier.
I like it. Very beautiful.
Take out the girl and the cover would be very good. Sort of of like Red Seas Under Red Skies.
I like the girl. I've waited two whole books to find out about this Sabetha chick. She'd better give me wet dreams.
i dont care about the cover, its the next goddamn locke lamora book, who cares
I guess this could be worse.
The cover style would fit for something by Mercedes Lackey. Here it lacks, the 'coolness' of the books. I liked the simple cover of the first book.
Gollancz all the way. Just please, please, please, for the love of all that's holy, release the book.
Hey Pat, not to change the subject but i have to ask..any news on when the subterranean press edition of "Gardens of The Moon" is coming out...or is it out and have i missed it...thanks..by the way love your site. It has introduced me to a lot of great writers..Steveb Erikson being one of them..thanks again./Eric
The book is not yet out, but if you are interested in buying it i recommend placing a preorder as more than half of the 500 copies have already been sold.
Hey Maurice thanks for the info..ill check into it.
Eric: The book is ready to go into production. Subpress is waiting for the finished artwork from Komarck. If all goes well, this one should see the light this fall.:-)
Maybe to go back a little on topic...a question I've for quite a while is why are covers styles for US and UK editions of books so radically different usually (I usually prefer the UK editions tbh)
Is it a cultural thing? A publishing industry quirk?
Derek: Less a quirk and more a publisher perception of what will best sell the book. That's what the cover is, after all, the last sales pitch the publisher can throw at you.
American covers, much as we may complain about that, are the way they are because these are the covers that sell the most books.
I wish they wouldn't have abandoned the look of Lies of Locke Lamora. I thought that was a great cover.
Lose the girl and change the title font color to a blue and it'd be great.
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