Well, after 3 flights and more than 16 hours, I finally landed in Montreal last night. I was so tired and jetlagged that I left the window of my car open. Of course, there was a thunderstorm during the night, so the driver seat is soaked. Ah man. . .
Nothing like doing the groceries can make you realize that you are officially back, and how irrevocable the end of the trip is. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow, and I resume work on Sunday, so I won't even have time to recuperate.

So here's a little something for those who have been waiting for some SFF-related material for the last couple of weeks! In my defense, I did post three reviews in the last month or so, which is still more than several book-reviewing blogs out there.
Malazan fans have been grumbling more and more lately about the fact that the Subterranean Press limited edition of Steven Erikson's Gardens of the Moon is late. Everyone knows that it's due to the fact that the artist is late in delivering the artwork. Rejoice, then, Malazan aficionados, for Bill from Subpress and Michael Komarck have given me the permission to post another sketch!

So here are a few prints that you have seen before, with a sketch of Raest facing the dragons as a bonus!;-) See how I'm looking after you guys. . .:p

14 commentaires:
Those totally rock.
aaaah ... to attend a weeding after a nice trip, rien de tel !
Oh God, I want those! I'm just gonna have to wait for the euro to get just a litte bit stronger so that I can afford it :)
A "weeding" or a "wedding?" And glad you had a good trip! I'd love to travel to Europe someday.
Lucky you!! I've always wanted to go to a weeding! Kidding aside, welcome back.
I do like these, but Raest looks far too healthy. The passage describes him as totally dessicated, and I have severe doubts that he's be that colourful, let alone have a full head of hair, after being imprisoned for millenia in a tomb... Also fairly sure he was naked ;)
Silanah looks awesome though.
Raest vs. Silanah is just amazing.
The pics look awesome. Well done Mr. Komarck.
Cheers for posting Pat.
This is beautiful as always.
Only shouldn't Raest be more wiry - I imagined him to be a bit mummy looking - you know dried up flesh. Looking like he spent those millennia in a tomb.
Pat, I have to say I enjoyed your travel posts, you kept the ball rolling pretty regularly, and even managed to fit in a few reviews which was a nice bonus. I don't know if I'd find the time to update my site on a trip like that. :) Glad you enjoyed it though.
Those pieces look great.
Man, those images are sweet. They all look badass. I admit I squealed when I saw...Anomander and Whiskeyjack. And Silanah. :)
I can't wait to get my copy of the book. I ordered it a while ago, but those pics make it look worth the wait! I have chills. Love the Whiskeyjack/Ganoes.
Well, I see I'm a bit late to the blogging party... but wow. So that's what I've been waiting all this time for. I guess it's worth it although I really want to get my hands on that book SOON!
keep up the awesome work....rake looks brilliant.
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