I'm pleased to announce that I have a copy of the limited edition of Steven Erikson's fantasy debut, Gardens of the Moon, up for grabs, courtesy of the folks at Subterranean Press. Illustrated by Michael Komarck, this one could be one of the nicest limited editions Subpress has ever produced! For more info about this title, check out http://www.subterraneanpress.com/.
The rules are the same as usual. You need to send an email at reviews@(no-spam)gryphonwood.net with the header "ERIKSON." Remember to remove the "no spam" thingy.
Second, your email must contain your full mailing address (that's snail mail!), otherwise your message will be deleted.
Lastly, multiple entries will disqualify whoever sends them. And please include your screen name and the message boards that you frequent using it, if you do hang out on a particular MB.
Good luck to all the participants!
16 commentaires:
It's mine! No-one else enter! ;-)
Now this one looks interesting. Of course, that is based on the artwork. I'm such a sucker for good artwork.
Oh yeah - I nominated you :) http://www.literaryescapism.com/2008/12/15/917/
If only I hadn't already ordered this...
SE is king.
I also have it already on order - nice to see that it is finally going to the printers. Still looks like it may be February before they finally arrive...
Woah. I want this. Badly!
KP - I'd say March but we can but hope!
Do we know if Kormarck will be doing the art for all 10 volumes? Please let it be true - I'd love to have that kind of consistency in the artist and especially the jacket design which is missing in the GRRM editions. They look great, but I just hate changes in design of a jacket throughout a single series.
Jebus - Subterranean's announcement noted that Kormarck was going to start on Deadhouse Gates next...
I have a question about entering the competition: is the fullstop part of subject line or not? And is Subject line header Pat is talking about?
I absolutely promise to give this series a second chance if I win. ;)
Should the subject be:
Apologies but I confess I'm not sure :-)
"ERIKSON" or ERIKSON, it doesn't matter...
My local B&N for some reason never carries this book. They have all the other Malazan books in stock, but not once, in nearly a year of going there have they had Gardens of the Moon.
I'll enter, but then I will save up and definitely buy Memories of Ice when that comes out!
That's a great giveaway but I don't take part because.......
I get ALL MALAZAN BOOKS OF THE FALLEN as Christmas gift!!!
So in Germany we get our Christmas gifts on late afternoon of 24th of December.
Seven days to go then I can start reading............
I have wanted to order this for awhile now but do not have the money this would be the only way i can get a copy so heres to me winning
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