Win a set of Wild Cards novels

Thanks to the folks at Tor Books, I have five sets of the first two volumes of the latest Wild Cards triad edited by George R. R. Martin, Inside Straight (Canada, USA, Europe) and Busted Flush (Canada, USA, Europe), for you to win!

The rules are the same as usual. You need to send an email at reviews@(no-spam) with the header "WILD CARDS." Remember to remove the "no spam" thingy.

Second, your email must contain your full mailing address (that's snail mail!), otherwise your message will be deleted.

Lastly, multiple entries will disqualify whoever sends them. And please include your screen name and the message boards that you frequent using it, if you do hang out on a particular MB.

Good luck to all the participants!

9 commentaires:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win.
All the best,

thelittlefluffycat said...

Awesome! At one point (a few moves ago) I owned the whole set of the first group - great to see more!

Vitxo said...

Thanks for the opportunity!!

Unknown said...

Grazie' for the chance to win the two newest (until Suicide Kings comes out) Wild Cards books

Jacob Da Jew said...

Hell yeah!

AC'63 said...

Just found collection of all the origional books, started re reading them, thanks for chance to expand on the collection

Anonymous said...

Thanks for holding these giveaways.

I'm wondering, though: Why do you ask for our screen names and which message boards we frequent?

Anonymous said...

Great story as for me. I'd like to read something more about that matter. The only thing it would also be great to see on this blog is some pics of such gizmos as gps jammer.

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