George R. R. Martin has selected which books I'll have to read as my "punishment" for losing that footbal bet. Man, I still can't believe the stupid Dallas Cowboys could lose to the damned New York Giants. Even worst, I'm now forced to root for the Giants in the Super Bowl, for there is no way in hell I'm going to cheer for the cheating New England Patriots.
Ah, the humanity. . .
The first book GRRM chose is S. L. Farrell's A Magic of Twilight, which will be released next month. Looks pretty good, and I'm curious to see what it's all about. For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.
His second selection is Melinda Snodgrass' The Edge of Reason, which will be published in May. I was kind of expecting this one, actually.
Lastly, GRRM wanted the Hotlist to be a vehicle to introduce a new generation of SFF readers to some "classics," so I agreed to read the first two Jack Vance Dying Earth books.
There you have it. Understandably, I would much prefer to die horribly in A Dance with Dragons, but alas. . .
10 commentaires:
Too bad he doesn't made you read all Terry Goodkind's books.
Haha, yes and write a short essay on each of them... considering his books, you'd think Martin would have thought of that.
A Magic of Twilight sounds interesting enough, can't wait to see the review.
Yeah, he let you off easy. I agree with elvis, the pain of reading all of Goodkind's series would have been fun to listen to.
Reading some Goodkind was my original suggestion, but GRRM said that he did nothing to him to see me read some crap. He wanted me to read and review stuff that deserve to get more exposure, hence his selections.:-)
cheating patriots? no one comments on the fact that the jets were caught doing the same thing.... all nfl teams will take any competitive edge they can get.
oh yeah, they got 'caught' in the first half of the first game of the season... i'm sure it had a huge effect on that game and the rest of the season.
Jack Vance is tremendous, you're in for a treat.
Yeah, I'd say you got it pretty easy alright ;) "A Magic of Twilight" sounds pretty interesting, Melinda Snodgrass seems to put out high-quality work, and I'm personally looking forward to reading the Dying Earth novels, which should be right up my alley :D
I have the S.L Farrell one on my shelf too. I'll be interested to see what you think of it.
Looking forward to the Jack Vance reviews - my favourite author. "First two Dying Earth books" is a bit strange, since the 2nd and 3rd ones (the Cugel ones) have the only continuity, and are the best IMO. You should definitely read the Demon Prince books if you get the chance too.
Nice to see I pegged one of those at least! :P Probably best to go ahead and get the omnibus The Dying Earth, Pat. Won't cost you more than about $15 or so new and you get all of the novels. A little over 700 pages total.
And hey, he could have been extra mean - he could have had you review some book about the history of the Giants ;)
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