New Q&A with Ian Cameron Esslemont

Jay Tomio posted an interesting interview with Malazan co-creator and author of Night of Knives and Return of the Crimson Guard.

The focus is more or less on Esslemont's debut and some general background on the Malazan universe, but there are some bits regarding Return of the Crimson Guard and what comes next.

If you are a Malazan fan, head on to this link.


3 commentaires:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how many people not initially inclined to read the interview will read the comments on here, but here goes:

This is a good interview. Although it's never made clear how the interview was done, there are some very solid questions and answers. I suspect e-mails because there's little to no follow-up on some of the things the author says.

Minor caveat for those who've read the interview: Mappo has been betraying Icarium constantly for a few centuries now and was a bad example for the point Esslemont was trying to argue.

Anonymous said...

Good interview, thanks for the heads up Pat. As an aside is the huge amazon banner at the top of the page really necessary? It seems annoying as doesn't actually seem to contain much relevant content, unlike the side bar which is quite good.

Imperial Historian

Patrick said...

Imperial Historian: As I mentioned in my "Last Minute Details..." post, I'm experimenting with banners, for I might start to promote some of the books and authors I enjoy with specific banners.

I tinkered with these Amazon banners during the hockey game on Saturday night, but I wasn't able to customize it to half its current size.

It's supposed to be a self-optimizing thing, meaning that it's meant to show only stuff relevant to the blog. So I'm not sure why there are ads for watches and Dewalt drill kits! Still, it might take the system a few days to fully update itself, so I'm letting things run their course for the time being. In any event, I won't have time for a few days before I can sit down and toy with this once more.

Incidentally, the UK banner works perfectly thus far. . .