Subterranean Press unveiled J. K. Drummond's cover art for their limited edition of Steven Erikson's Deadhouse Gates.
Hmmm, I'm not sure this cover truly captures the essence of the novel. . . We'll have to wait and see about the rest of the artwork.
You can pre-order Deadhouse Gates here.
13 commentaires:
As someone who plunked down the bucks for the Lettered Edition and who's favorite book of the series was Deadhouse Gates, I have to say ...wtf?
When I think back on that novel, the last thing that comes to mind is some woman in a diaphanous dress holding a dagger behind her back.
With so many great scenes to choose from, one wonders if the artist ever took the time to read even selected passages from the book. To say that I am underwhelmed is an understatement!
Of all the earlier books in the series, up until Dust of Dreams when they started getting the nicer cover UK cover art on the US editions, Deadhouse Gates was my favorite. It was evocative, to me, of Seven Cities. This is like, what? Who's that supposed to be, Apsalar? WTF
Should be a pic of Iskaral Pust scratching himself and someone yelling SOLETAKEN AND D'IVERS!!!!!111
I see her as a personification of the Whirlwind, which would be adequate as a cover for the book as a whole.
For the great scenes, they should be covered in the illustrations inside. As someone who also plunked down the bucks, I have high hopes for those.
Patheticaly generic, could they really not to anny better for a deluxe edition?
There are so manny cool scenes and characters in this book, and they went with random sexy girl instead?
What a souless effort.
Makes MBOTF look like trivial genrick fantasy.
Wow it gets a completely new vibe. More personal, less landscapy. And a protagonist of female genre, probably for fashionable considerations.
Meh...it's a nice piece of artwork, but not really fitting for the novel in my opinion.
How 1974!
And this is the artist that is supposed to finish the series?!?!?!
Yeah, I agree with the comments here...I purchased a Lettered Edition to match my Gardens of the Moon. Is this Kushiel's Dart? WTF are they thinking?
So many memorable moments/scenes/characters/circumstances in the book and they go w/ a naked woman with a dagger. Ridiculous. I'm definitely emailing my disappointment.
I rather like the cover.
The normal cover for Deadhouse Gates is awesome - those 4 horsemen riding through a sandstorm, with the background... awesome.
This one is pretty pathetic. After the first one I had high hopes, but this limited one I can probably do without.
YAY!!!! Subterranean changed the cover for DG. It looks like the art for the old cover will be used inside the book. The new cover looks great to me!!
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