This is the cover art for the third volume in Robin Hobb's The Rain Wild Chronicles, City of Dragons. For more information about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.
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13 commentaires:
That is some stank-tastic cover art. It looks like a few poorly rendered CG pics layered over each other, with no care for contrast or shadow or anything. Yeck.
Robin has had some awful covers, ugh the Mad Ship Series was brutal. I get her books from the UK as those covers are infinitely better and more suited to her excellent writing!
I thought the series was done. I hadn't heard of a third book. Thanks for the info. Is there any information on a release date?
It looks like the hybrid of a Mark Charan Newton cover, a self-published book and one of the Pern novels.
Wow, got to wonder how the publishers view your readers, when as a best selling novelist you get lumbered with that rubbish.
This third book comes out in Feb (U.S.) and there is a fourth and I believe final book in the series later in 2012
What an amiguous cover, I wonder what genre this book is?
dragons shouldn't be on a cover, except when they're highly stylized or a logo.
the first two books are excellent.
imagine a fantasy series with no battles, and only a group of people going somewhere without gods, and evermen and whatever involved.
very good series.
btw, i don't understand the problem with the cover, it's to the point, dragons back in the dead city.
anon. said 4 books, damn, i was hoping to wrap it up in 3, usualy hoob settles for that i think.
Here's the confirmation from Robin:
what's not to understand about the complaints? It's ugly, crude and cheesy. Being "to the point" is no redeeming quality of being in-your-face.
That's fucking hideous.
So, "City of Dragons", there's a big dragon on the cover...I wonder if there are dragons in this book?
Reminds me of this Penny Arcade comic taking a shot at Weis & Hickman's latest effort:
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