Tom Canty just turned in the wraparound dust jackets for the two volumes of the Subterranean Press limited edition of George R. R. Martin's A Feast for Crows.
And since I received permission to post them, here they are for your viewing pleasure!:-)
Fantasy and science fiction and speculative fiction book reviews, author interviews, bestseller news, contests and giveaways, etc. Enjoy!
6 commentaires:
they are very beautiful pieces of art and I suppose vol. 2 is Sansa, but who the hell is on vol. 1? I ordered these books like 2years ago, and am happy to finally be getting them soon. however, I would like it if the artwork was more directly tied to the story, like the first three special editions...like Komarck's work on Erikson's book. now that's one I really can't wait for...
Isn't that Brienne on Vol 1?
glad to see this coming out finally, too bad it's not the Martin book I would really like to hear is completed....
Ahh to be able to collect these limited editions with limited funds...and yes the waiting suspense for the next GRRM book in the series is terrible.
BTW I have nominated you for an 'I Love Your Blog' award.
Nice. Makes me only vaguely sad hat I gave up collecting the lettered editions. Vaguely.
Taken together, it seems like they might be Jaime and Cersei, although why they would be on the cover is beyond me. The woman seems too attractive to be Brien, plus she has blond hair. The man is holding a sword in his left hand, as Jaime would. Weak, I know, but it's all I can think of.
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