Seen on Scifiwire:
The Topeka, Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church, which is headed by Fred Phelps and which has made headlines over the past few years for a series of protests of events such as the funerals of Meet the Press host Tim Russert (because of his Catholicism and what they termed his "tolerance of homosexuality") and Jerry Falwell (whom they termed a "false prophet') and perhaps most notably the funerals of American servicemen killed overseas, have announced that they plan to picket the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con from 1:15 pm to 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 22.
The reason they're going to protest the con? We think it's best described in their own words, as posted on their website:
"Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn to God like you mean it. The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry."
I initially thought this was a joke, but I quickly realized that it's the sad truth. So this gang of inbred religious fuckwits will drive all the way from Kansas to picket Comic-Con??? No but seriously, you gotta love Hillbillies! :P
What a crock of shit! With Christianity going down the shitter nowadays, I guess God could use the help of Superman, Batman, Wolverine, just to name these three.
«The destruction of this nation is imminent». Yes, and picketing and waving banners condemning comic books and superheroes will certainly put everything to right? Christian fucktardness taken to the extreme. One can't help but notice that the Westboro Baptist Church runs a very tight ship. . .
Stuff like this makes me ashamed to be a Christian. . .
The Topeka, Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church, which is headed by Fred Phelps and which has made headlines over the past few years for a series of protests of events such as the funerals of Meet the Press host Tim Russert (because of his Catholicism and what they termed his "tolerance of homosexuality") and Jerry Falwell (whom they termed a "false prophet') and perhaps most notably the funerals of American servicemen killed overseas, have announced that they plan to picket the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con from 1:15 pm to 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 22.
The reason they're going to protest the con? We think it's best described in their own words, as posted on their website:
"Are you kidding?! If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn to God like you mean it. The destruction of this nation is imminent - so start calling on Batman and Superman now, see if they can pull you from the mess that you have created with all your silly idolatry."
I initially thought this was a joke, but I quickly realized that it's the sad truth. So this gang of inbred religious fuckwits will drive all the way from Kansas to picket Comic-Con??? No but seriously, you gotta love Hillbillies! :P
What a crock of shit! With Christianity going down the shitter nowadays, I guess God could use the help of Superman, Batman, Wolverine, just to name these three.
«The destruction of this nation is imminent». Yes, and picketing and waving banners condemning comic books and superheroes will certainly put everything to right? Christian fucktardness taken to the extreme. One can't help but notice that the Westboro Baptist Church runs a very tight ship. . .
Stuff like this makes me ashamed to be a Christian. . .
19 commentaires:
God never said he gave all people the ability to reason and judge with wisdom.
But still, if the people disrupting our soldiers' funerals just told us where they're going to be and when... good thing I'm not near there.
especialy if u consider that fantasy genre has never been more christian, what with the vampires, a purely christian story.
they also bait people into attacking them, so they can then sue the cities for not providing adequate protection of their civil liberties.
so I hope no comic book fans provide these clowns with the ability to generate more revenue...
Oddly, my word verification for this was " Hate "
Calling yourself a Christian and actually being one are two different things. These people are not Christians.
I think hillbillies and rednecks deserve a little more credit.
This form of blind ignorance perpetrated by christian zealots that are a breed unto themselves. The hypocrisy is that they probably can't read anything more complicated than the Sunday comics and claim they can interpret the bible. A document that has gone from Aramaic to Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to Old English, to Standard English, to Modern English.
"I don't fear the gods Reverend Mother, only those who claim to speak for them."
I'm quoting myself out of the book I'm writing.
Well, because of stuff like that I decided to embrace folk version of orthodox Christianity - basically East European voodoo - and to tell the priests and monks to shove it.
I stopped thinking of Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church as a "Christian" group a long time ago. I can't even remember the last time they said anything involving the words "Christ", "mercy" and "forgiveness", which is sort of the minimum necessary point of believing Christianity.
The cathedral neither feels, nor should, shame for the mangy dog who barks in front of it.
Christian fucktards are the best at what they do...but what they do isn't very nice.
Damn, I've been waiting all my life to use that reference. Thanks Pat! :)
These people are hardly "Christian." Just because you say you are doesn't make you one. Christians are known by their actions and this group fails to qualify miserably.
If anibody decide to give away his blasfemous comic's collectione, I'd be really glad to purify it in my library. ^^
"Well make your will and testament
won't you? Join your local government.
We'll have Superman for president
Let Robin save the day."
The best way to make people like this go away is to stop giving them attention. That means don't post news articles about them, don't blog about them, don't put them on TV, don't talk about them on TV, don't even pay attention to anything they say whatsoever. When people stop talking, they'll become an invisible fringe group that shows up, screams, and is forgotten.
Right now, people are giving them exactly what they want: attention for their crackpot ideas. To expect reason of any sort from these folks is like expecting the Moon to suddenly be made of cheese.
On that note, I feel very sorry for the people who are part of this church. It sounds like they are the most miserable people in existence. I can't imagine spending my life being that unhappy about everything. There's enough to be upset about without turning things that make other people happy into misery...and if this is the world they think we should live in, then I'll gladly live my evil, sinful little life. Because if the trade-off is to be like them, I'd rather burn in hell...I bet it's more fun down there anyway.
Atrocious, but no more or less logical than what Westboro already chases after. Even so, considering how little time they actually committed to the "protect," this can't really be their main focus. I wonder if this story was even picked up by any major media outlets (not that your blog isn't, Pat).
These people just need to stop. They can lock themselves in a bunker with nothing but the Bible and the Left Behind novels, for all I care, but they just need to stop.
Snide little comments only make you seem like more of a douche.
nothing against christianity but this is just fucking ridiculous.and does any body here havethe feeling that this sounds really random? like this came out of fucking NOWHWERE. just one more thing to say, HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON.
religious zealots are not really known for their sense of irony...considering that the bible is a bunch of fables and legends cobbled together.
As a Christian, I feel such a loss that this group of people somehow becomes the stereotype of the faith to "outsiders."
Who would want to be a part of a faith which linked with hate filled groups like this.
I believe that this same "church" group tried to come up where I live [Winnipeg, MB] to protest the funeral of a young man. I believe that friends and family of the deceased man actually formed an informal lynch mob to make sure this "church" group never made it to the funeral.
It ended up that the police convinced/ordered [not sure which] to turn around at the border.
On another note - now that Christianity has been brought up - there is a author by the name of Chris Walley who I cannot recommend enough. A Christian writer, his series "The Lamb Among the Stars," is an amazing series; an epic sci-fi trilogy.
What's kind of funny is that I had read this trilogy and loved it, then got into Steven Erikson's Malazan series. After those books I had to put down a couple of different books as they seemed trite and juvenile in comparison.
So, just to make sure it was as good as I had thought the first time, I read Walley's trilogy and was pleased that it stood up well to Erikson's quality.
It is very sad that these xtaim douchebags, when given an accurate depiction of themselves have the nerve to bitch. God loves man kills is a brilliant portrait of secularism run amok. Before you get your tighty whiteys in a bunch, bub hear me out. Bombing womens clinics, killing abortion providers, bashing and killing homosexuals. Preaching hate over the airwaves, (anyone remember the purifiers killing those two kids at the begining of the book?) Sound farmiliar? I personally wish they'd all contract something and be put out of the worlds collective misery. But hey ain't. Gonna happen. So let me say this and ill stfu. My only child was eight years old and very very ill, I prayed, I. Stepped outside of my beliefs and asked the xtain god to help a little girl who was going to die. Well she did die. Wtf did she do to deserve that? Where the fuck was your killer god then? Sucking off pat hagee? anyway mooned gonna see this anyway, I'm just venting thank s
Oh I"m a xtain! Tlhe cry of thr self agrandizing asshole, I wish you, west boro, pat hagee all you fuckwits would Contract Aids and die. Alone and silent. All I know is. Hunting seasopn is open, and I'll be at Comic Con!
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