Many thanks to the folks at Orbit for letting me be the first one to post this!:-)
Personally, I think it looks fantastic!
Abercrombie's Best Served Cold will be published on both sides of the Atlantic this summer. For more info about this title: Canada, USA, Europe.
Ah man, so many SFF novels to look forward to this year. . .
19 commentaires:
I agree! That is one kickass awesome cover!
Love the left but have mixed feelings over the right. I absolutely loved the original cover art that Abercrombie posted on his blog. I felt that the UK version stayed true to the cover theme for The First Law trilogy while improving upon it at the same time. This cover reminds me of a mass market paperback where the front cover opens up to a painting (i.e. Feist's Shadow of a Dark Queen). I would love to know if the art on the right was commissioned solely for Best Served Cold.
As a U.S. reader, I really do prefer the UK cover. However, that will not stop me in the least from picking up the book the day it comes out.
A Dribble of Ink
I think this cover looks awesome, but I never was a fan of the first law covers.
I definitely prefer the original. If only I was the kind of pretentious douche that imported books, this would not bother me, but...
I'm a pretentious douche. And I will be importing. That half-and-half garbage is awful.
What's Hilary Swank doing on there?
It's a cool cover, but I do prefer the UK one as well.
I really like it.
Following some deep introspection, I have decided that I, too, will become a pretentious douche and import, and completely revoke my earlier comment
Yuck... No other way to describe it.
I'm not sure how importing books makes you a pretentious douche.
Nice elements, but the presentation is a mess.
Don't understand why they couldn't have just used the UK cover, which is vastly superior. Sure, the markets are different...but there's no excuse for this. They've taken the cool UK artwork and cobbled it together with some half-assed image that looks like it's been ripped from some kinky urban fantasy.
Not good.
Yeah the left side is great, the right side is pretty ridiculous. It just looks so... corny? I won't be importing but I'm pretty disappointed in the cover.
Garet quin u r a tool who do u think u are the right side is ballin yo, what are you king dedede?
Haha this debate is turning into a bit of a boys vs. girls brawl. This is Lauren from Orbit art. Usually I stay out of these debates, but if you want to see our process, it's up on our blog.
I actually quite like it, and I love the original First Law covers and also the UK Best Served Cold cover. I live in Oz so will be getting the UK cover but wouldn't mind either sitting on my shelf.
ASIDE: I usually find US cover art and design to be absolutely appalling and disgustingly inept and just plain crap. Tor being a big sinner in that category.
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