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Space opera supremo Alastair Reynolds scores unprecedented ten-year, ten-book deal from Gollancz for his 'mean line in alien cultures and technology'
As banks struggle and businesses collapse, the science fiction writer Alastair Reynolds is making his own contribution to the flagging UK economy, signing an unprecedented ten-book deal with Gollancz worth £1m.
Reynolds, who has published eight novels with the Orion imprint Gollancz since his 2000 debut, Revelation Space, said he was "amazed and thrilled" to commit himself to the same publisher for the next decade. "It gives me a huge amount of security for the next ten years," he said, "and writers don't have a lot of security. Even at the best of times you're worrying about the next deadline, the next contract. To have that in place is fantastic for me."
He has always struggled to write when his future has been uncertain, he continued, so he's delighted to be able to start "thinking strategically ... not just thinking one book ahead, but 'where do I want to be in four books?'"
Got quite a few of his books on my shelves, but I've only read the novella The Six Directions of Space thus far. I'll have to remedy that sooner than later, methinks!
4 commentaires:
Excellent news and well-deserved. One of the best SF writers around and chronically under-discussed, possibly due to him not quite taking off in the same way in the USA as he has in the UK (although his last-but-one book was just outside the Hugo shortlist last year).
That £1 million translates to about $1.6 million in US money. Impressive.
Just read Revelation Space a month or so ago and was impressed enough to buy the rest of his books.
I'm turing into a big fan. I've read Revelation Space and Chasm City and have several others on the shelves to be read.
This is quite a deal for Gollancz to commit to.
News like that definitely raises his profile in my books (pardon the pun).
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