I almost hate to say anything here, for fear of jinxing it... but for what it's worth, the last six weeks or so have been the most productive period I've had on A DANCE WITH DRAGONS in... well... a year at least, maybe several. In the last three days I've completed three new chapters. Not from scratch, mind you, these were all chapters that had been partially written, and in some cases rewritten, for months if not years. But they're finally done, and I've just reread them, and I'm almost convinced that they're Not Crap.
We'll see how I feel tomorrow.
Anyway, I know I don't talk about DANCE frequently here, and that's not going to change. Sorry, but I'm never going to be one of these writers who blogs daily about how many words they produced today. I don't like to talk about the good days for fear of jinxing myself (all writers are superstitious at heart, just like baseball players), and I don't like to talk about the bad days... well, just because. Writing is like sausage making in my view; you'll all be happier in the end if you just eat the final product without knowing what's gone into it.
But I am making a small exception now because... well, I'm feeling rather jazzed right now, and for the first time in a very long while, I think I can see a glimmering that might just be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Now if I can only slash through the Meereenese knot that I've been worrying at since 2005, I may actually start to get excited.
Music to my ears!:-)
6 commentaires:
Wow I almost forgot he was still working on this... Can't wait 'till he finishes, so he can start programming Duke Nukem Forever :)
The man is a tool.
Working on a problem for 4 years and still hasn't fixed it.
I am NOT buying this book. Check out of library, maybe, but no way in hell is he getting any more money from me after this ungodly amounty of time.
Fire GRRM and give it to Brandon Sanderson to finish!
Your troll skills are lacking anon #2
Please try harder.
Sounds like we're only a couple of years away now....
Wonder what problem he's referring to.
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